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100 Eco-Friendly Gifts for Techies

From Sleek Eco Music Players to Green Cellular Chargers

— November 11, 2013 — Eco
If you are interested in getting something modern yet sustainable this holiday season, then these eco-friendly gifts for techies will definitely offer up some inventive options.

When it comes to must-have holiday gifts, technological devices such as smartphones and tablets are always high on the list. But if you're looking for presents that are a bit more environmentally friendly, then these eco gifts will certainly satisfy both techies and nature enthusiasts. Offering gadgets and accessories such as solar-powered phones, sustainable smartphone cases and rustic wooden products, these eco-friendly gifts for techies are showcasing that going green doesn't have to mean sacrificing style.

From cardboard smartphone speakers to timber iPhone stands and kinetic phones, these eco-friendly gifts for techies are offering some creative ways to combine modern technology with environmentally green techniques.
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Solar-Powered Phone Screens
Solar-Powered Phone Screens
Qualcomm Plans to Use Mirasol Display Screens On its Phones
Bio-Powered Cell Phones
Bio-Powered Cell Phones
M13 is a Genetically Engineered Virus that Powers Your Mobile
Bulky Solar-Powered Chargers
Bulky Solar-Powered Chargers
eChaja is a Solar-Powered Cell Phone Charger Made in Africa
Turbocharged Tables
Turbocharged Tables
The Panasonic Solar Charging Table Wirelessly Powers Your Phone
Crowdsourced Detachable Phones
Crowdsourced Detachable Phones
Phonebloks by Dave Hakkens Offers a Solution to Tech Problems
Solar-Powered Phone Boosters
Solar-Powered Phone Boosters
The iPower from Mi Suny Doubles Your iPhone/iPad's Battery
Emotional Smartphones
Emotional Smartphones
Julius Tarng's Modai Establishes a Bond Between Itself and Its User
Eco-Intelligent Device Docks
Eco-Intelligent Device Docks
The Visible Green Charger Stops Drawing Power After Charged
Tanning Cell Phones
Tanning Cell Phones
The ZTE Corporation Double Phone Lounges in the Sun for Power
Slim-Fit Battery Chargers
Slim-Fit Battery Chargers
PowerSkin iPhone 4 Case Loses the Weight of Heavy Power Packs
Iconic Eco Cases
Iconic Eco Cases
The Goodluckgoods 'In Case of Love' is a Unibody Smart Phone Case
Sun Powered Powerpacks
Sun Powered Powerpacks
The Solar P-Flip by Dexim is Invincible
Backside Smartphone Displays
Backside Smartphone Displays
This Phone Design by Victor Johannson is Futuristically Practical
Pedal-Powered Mobile Chargers
Pedal-Powered Mobile Chargers
'The Charge Cycle' Helps You Pedal Your Way to a Fully Charged Phone
Sun-Powered Eco-Chargers
Sun-Powered Eco-Chargers
The Solar Vox is a Personal Solar-Powered Gadget Charger
Sleek Eco Music Players
Sleek Eco Music Players
The Portable Solar Powered Speaker Pumps Tunes Without the Need for a Plug
All-Natural Droid Docks
All-Natural Droid Docks
The R2-D2 Wooden iPhone Dock is Ewok-Friendly and Eco-Friendly
Eco-Friendly Smartphones
Eco-Friendly Smartphones
The AdZero Bamboo Phone is Made with Natural Materials
DIY Sustainable Smartphone Chargers
DIY Sustainable Smartphone Chargers
This Fire-Powered Charger is Perfect for Outdoor Travel
Eco-Friendly Gadget Cases
Eco-Friendly Gadget Cases
Save the Planet by Killing Trees With Wood Digital Cases
Eco Insect Chargers
Eco Insect Chargers
The ‘Solar Beetle' Device Charger is an IIDA Award Finalist
Versatile Eco Mobiles
Versatile Eco Mobiles
The Energy-Saving Aeolus Phone Charges Via Wind or Solar Power
Magnifying Smartphone Stands
Magnifying Smartphone Stands
The Hive Dock Provides a Unique Alternative to the iPad
Device-Charging Bicycles
Device-Charging Bicycles
The Siva Cycle Atom Generator Harness Kinetic Energy to Power Gadgets
Super-Green Gadgets
Super-Green Gadgets
Samsung's 'Blue Earth' Solar Phone Walks the Eco-Friendly Talk
Wearing Hearts On Wrists
Wearing Hearts On Wrists
The Leaf Bracelet Mobile Phone Runs on Solar Power, Love
Life-Saving Radios
Life-Saving Radios
The Hand Crank Charger is a Radio, Emergency Distress Signal and Charger in One
Ecotastic Phone Chargers
Ecotastic Phone Chargers
The Kiwi U-Powered is a Solar and USB-Powered Charger
Energy-Conserving Chargers
Energy-Conserving Chargers
The Mushroom GreenZERO Ensures that No Electricity is Wasted
Expressive Gobbling Docks
Expressive Gobbling Docks
The Zooly Smartphone Stands by Younggun Cho are Absolutely Adorable
Solar Powered Smartphones
Solar Powered Smartphones
NTT Docomo Reveals Sun-Charged, Waterproof Mobile
Adorable Eco-Friendly Phones
Adorable Eco-Friendly Phones
The LG Remarq Cell Phone is Cute and Affordable
Sunny Cellphones
Sunny Cellphones
The Umeox Solar Mobile Can Harness and Withstand Natural Forces
Trashy Tech Protectors
Trashy Tech Protectors
The Miniwiz Re-Case is Made Out of Rice Husks and Plastic Caps
Scroll Wheel Smartphones
Scroll Wheel Smartphones
The Echo Spin Concept Phone Can be Recharged With One Finger
Eco Smartphone Chargers
Eco Smartphone Chargers
This Solar Charger by Emma Sandberg Makes Your Gadget Greener
Solar-Powered Gadget Chargers
Solar-Powered Gadget Chargers
The Solio 'Bolt' Uses Solar Power to Charge Your Devices
Solar Powered Charms
Solar Powered Charms
StrapYa for Mobile Phones
Smartphone-Charging Vending Machines
Smartphone-Charging Vending Machines
The Chewing Gum Battery Concept Vends Portable Power Strips
Motion-Harnessing Mobile Chargers
Motion-Harnessing Mobile Chargers
The Viber Burst Transforms Kinetic Energy from Your Activities
Solar Cellphone Boxes
Solar Cellphone Boxes
Illuminate Smartphone Packaging Incorporates a Lasting Purpose
Green Cellular Chargers
Green Cellular Chargers
The Pottery Barn Teen 'Solar Powered Battery Pack' is Eco-Friendly
Wonderful Wool Wrappers
Wonderful Wool Wrappers
The Byrd & Belle Gadget Cases are Elegantly Simple and Sophisticated
Eco-Friendly Sheaths
Eco-Friendly Sheaths
The Mobius iPhone Case Harnesses the Sun to Keep Your Gadget Powered
Wind-Powered Chargers
Wind-Powered Chargers
Aero E by Lancy Cassidy Converts the Window's Draft to Electric Energy
Birchwood iPhone Stands
Birchwood iPhone Stands
The ICONICSTAND by Young-Gun Cho is Naturalistic and Unique
Solar-Powered Phone Chargers
Solar-Powered Phone Chargers
The Monster Watts Case Boosts Your Phone On-the-Go
Paper-Folded Phones
Paper-Folded Phones
The Chengyuan Wei Origami Phone Combines Ancient Art and Modern-Day Tech
World's First Solar-Powered Bluetooth Headset
World's First Solar-Powered Bluetooth Headset
Iqua BHS-603 SUN
Solar Panel Smartphone Chargers
Solar Panel Smartphone Chargers
Sol Solar iPhone 4 Battery Case Harnesses Energy From the Sun
Eco-Friendly Mass Gadget Chargers
Eco-Friendly Mass Gadget Chargers
The Skycharger is a Mean, Green Phone-Charging Machine
Nature-Inspired Mobile Phones
Nature-Inspired Mobile Phones
The Leaf Phone by Anastasia Zharkova is Worn as Jewelry
Pedal-Powered Phone Chargers
Pedal-Powered Phone Chargers
The EcoXPower Bike Light Doubles as a Smartphone Charger
Solar-Powered Battery Packs
Solar-Powered Battery Packs
The Eton Mobius iPhone 4 Harnesses the Power of the Sun
Super Solar Laptop
Super Solar Laptop
GPS, Sat Phone, Web Access
Eco Mobile Chargers
Eco Mobile Chargers
Charge Your Mobile for Free With Solar Style's SC003
Sleek Bamboo Skins
Sleek Bamboo Skins
Give Your Phone a Nutural Look with a Karvt Bamboo iPhone Skin
Kinetic Cell Phones
Kinetic Cell Phones
Ulysse Nardin Creates Eco-Friendly Mobile Technology
Snap Bangle Phones
Snap Bangle Phones
The Auki Smart Phone Doubles as a Cellphone and Funky Bracelet
Phone-Mouse Hybrids
Phone-Mouse Hybrids
The Nokia CORE Phone Doubles as a PC Peripheral
Solar Skin Cell Phones
Solar Skin Cell Phones
Eclipse Intuit
Turbine Gadget-Chargers
Turbine Gadget-Chargers
The iPhone iFan Powers Your Phone Using Air
Solar Powered Messenger Bags
Solar Powered Messenger Bags
The Voltaic Generator Looks Surprisingly Ungeeky
80% Recycled Phones
80% Recycled Phones
The Eco Nokia 5 Year Phone by James Barber
Eco-Friendly Smart Phones
Eco-Friendly Smart Phones
Greener Grass LINC
Bicycle Stereo Speakers
Bicycle Stereo Speakers
The Horn Bike by Bone Lets You Play Your Favorite Tunes
Customized Wooden Tech Cases
Customized Wooden Tech Cases
Submit Your Artwork of Choice for These Eco Wood Tech Covers
Bamboo Solar Smartphone Chargers
Bamboo Solar Smartphone Chargers
The iSolar Charges Your Cellphone Anywhere You Go
Chic Solar Bags
Chic Solar Bags
Noon Solar Collection
Wearable Phone Chargers
Wearable Phone Chargers
The Carbon Precision Solar iPhone Charger Makes Sense
Spinning Kinetic Mobiles
Spinning Kinetic Mobiles
The Nokia EC509 Green Core Phone is Environmentally-Friendly
Sunny Eco Chargers
Sunny Eco Chargers
Joos Portable Solar Charger Keeps Your Devices Energized Under the Sun
Phone-Charging Solar Umbrellas
Phone-Charging Solar Umbrellas
Hammacher Schlemmer's Solar Umbrella Charges Phones with the Sun
Human Energy Device Chargers
Human Energy Device Chargers
Boost Battery Life Without an Outlet Using the K-TOR Pocket Socket 2
Solar-Powered Multi-Chargers
Solar-Powered Multi-Chargers
Notebook-Sized Solar Panel Can Charge Two iPads At Once
Eco Cell Phone Shell
Eco Cell Phone Shell
Bamboo Chute Phone
Cardboard Smartphone Speakers
Cardboard Smartphone Speakers
The Eco Amp Amplifies Sound in a Natural and Eco-Friendly Manner
Musical Desk Organizers
Musical Desk Organizers
The dockTRAY for iPhone Plays Music and Provides a Place for Supplies
Sun-Charged Smartphones
Sun-Charged Smartphones
The Umeox Apollo Android Makes Solar Power Practical
Shoe Gadget Juicers
Shoe Gadget Juicers
Cellphone Charger by Soledad Martin Turns Paces into Power
Solar Phone Charging Stations
Solar Phone Charging Stations
Vino Jose's Mobile Phone Recharging Kiosks are Sweet
Booze-Powered Mobiles
Booze-Powered Mobiles
The 'Cheers' Alcohol Phone Turns a Beverage into an Eco-Friendly Battery
Retro Canvas Cases
Retro Canvas Cases
The Love Energizer iPhone Cover is Old-School
Slim Solar-Powered Smartphone Sleeves
Slim Solar-Powered Smartphone Sleeves
Keep Eco-Friendly With the EnerPlex iPhone Case
Foldable Sun-Powered Chargers
Foldable Sun-Powered Chargers
Wenger Portable Solar Chargers Can Refuel Gadgets in the Outdoors
Sleek Eco Cell Phones
Sleek Eco Cell Phones
The Samsung Clover Promises to Pack a Green Punch
Retro Smartphone Covers
Retro Smartphone Covers
The Wood Camera iPhone 4 Case Protects Your Device in Vintage Fashion
Flask Phones
Flask Phones
‘Cheers' Mobile Device Runs on an Eco Booze Capsule
Solar-Charging Cases
Solar-Charging Cases
Stay Eco-Friendly with the Monster Watts Hybrid Solar Case
Arboreal Smartphone Docks
Arboreal Smartphone Docks
The Live Evergreen iPod Dock is Made Using Real Oak and Moss
Eco Smartphone Protectors
Eco Smartphone Protectors
The Nite Ize BioCase Boasts an Environmentally-Friendly Chemical Makeup
96-Hour Solar Chargers
96-Hour Solar Chargers
The PowerMonkey eXplorer Keeps Your Phone Juiced for Four Days
Lumberific iPhone Cases
Lumberific iPhone Cases
SigniCASE Carves Crazy Camera Designs for Smartphones
Eco-Friendly Smartphone Stands
Eco-Friendly Smartphone Stands
The Chisel 5 iPhone Dock Considers the Phone's Safety
Sustainable Smartphone Amps
Sustainable Smartphone Amps
Environmentally-Friendly Ecoustik Wooden Dock Delivers Natural Sound
Picture-Perfect Mobile Covers
Picture-Perfect Mobile Covers
The Camera iPhone Case Protects Gadgets with a Vintage Feel
Fidget-Powered Smartphones
Fidget-Powered Smartphones
The Rotel Mechanical Mobile Charges with a Flick of Your Finger
DIY Phone Chargers
DIY Phone Chargers
This Solar-Powered DIY Phone Charger is Affordable and Easy to Make
Watery Transparent Phones
Watery Transparent Phones
The Samsung 'AQUA' Concept is Inspired by Drawing with Water