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32 Eco-Friendly Couches

From Customized Cardboard Sofas to Sustainable Grass Seating

— October 25, 2013 — Eco
Any homeowner looking for something practical yet environmentally sustainable to add to their living room is in luck, because these eco-friendly couches are perfectly suited to provide seating in a green way.

Adding eco-friendly methods and techniques into your daily lifestyle can be challenging, but by incorporating more sustainable products into your everyday life and routine, you can easily start living a greener lifestyle whenever you please. Since couches and sofas offer homeowners a suitable way to provide seating for multiple people at once, why not choose a design that is also environmentally conscious about the types of material that it's using?

From sofas made from recycled cardboard to those upcycled from old bathtubs, these eco-friendly couches are offering individuals a greener way to decorate their homes.
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Sustainable Grass Seating
Sustainable Grass Seating
Fabrio del Percio Designs This Transparent Hay-Filled Couch
Upholstered Soaker Seating
Upholstered Soaker Seating
Snuggle Up with a Book in the Bathtub Chair and Keep Your Pages Dry
Concrete Couches
Concrete Couches
This Hardy Sofa by Nacho Carbonell is Softer Than it Looks
Living Sofa
Living Sofa
Sofa with Integrated Pot
Jigsaw Bark Seating
Jigsaw Bark Seating
The Chaise Cork Provides a Comfortable Place to Recline, Piece by Piece
Fine Wine Design
Fine Wine Design
Carlo Rossi Cabernet Couch
Cocoon Couches
Cocoon Couches
The Nest Seat is Both Stylish and Environmentally Friendly
Sustainable Social Seating
Sustainable Social Seating
These Bamboo Benches are Stylish, Durable and Eco-Friendly
Upcycled Curvy Couches
Upcycled Curvy Couches
The Sanserif Creatius 'Prejudice' Cardboard Chairs are Planet-Preserving
Warped Tire-Like Seating
Warped Tire-Like Seating
The Klimp City Furniture is Eco-Friendly and Versatile
Woolly Mammoth Seating
Woolly Mammoth Seating
The Giramundo Swivel Yarn Chair is Artistically Colorful
Chic Eco-Friendly Furnishings
Chic Eco-Friendly Furnishings
The Harbour Outdoor Sofa Collection is Modern and Green
Lucite Furniture
Lucite Furniture
'Glacial Sofa' Would Be At Home in a House of Ice
Inflatable Rain-Soaking Benches
Inflatable Rain-Soaking Benches
The Water Bench Manipulates the Rain to Inflate the Public Chair
Tool-Free Flat-Pack Furniture
Tool-Free Flat-Pack Furniture
uGo Furniture is Portable, Practical, Affordable & Green
Forest Floor Furniture
Forest Floor Furniture
The Droog Tree-Trunk Bench Embodies a Hybrid Organic Design
Mishmash Eco Seating
Mishmash Eco Seating
The Plof Bench Contains the Color and Excitement of Material Reuse
Ballooning Eco-Couches
Ballooning Eco-Couches
The Inflatable Blow Sofa by Agata Kulik and Pawel Pomorski
Reclaimed Vintage Chairs
Reclaimed Vintage Chairs
The Vintage Coffee Bean Bag Chairs are Awesome Rugged Seating
Customized Cardboard Sofas
Customized Cardboard Sofas
The Monocomplex Sculpture Project is All That it's Stacked Up to Be
Comfortable Cooking Couches
Comfortable Cooking Couches
The Amazing Transforming Oven Lounge Cooks Up Comfort
Backpack Furniture
Backpack Furniture
Galerie Kreo Compact Stool and Sofa Combo
Raw Wood Furniture
Raw Wood Furniture
North on Sixty Showcases Showcases Woodwork Masterpieces at IDS11
Crumpled Paper Seating
Crumpled Paper Seating
The ‘Cloud' Sofa Turns A New Page In Couch Design
Ascending Planter Perches
Ascending Planter Perches
Talita Exterior Bench Welcomes Interaction with Walkers
Recycled Jeans As Furniture
Recycled Jeans As Furniture
Japanese Sofa Maker Turns Old Denim Pants Into Stools
Army Surplus Sofas
Army Surplus Sofas
The Inheritance Collection is Assembled from Old Military Materials
Earth Furniture
Earth Furniture
Lawn Chair + Lawn Couch
Recycled Refrigerator Sofas
Recycled Refrigerator Sofas
The Fridge Couch Was Made for an Outdoor Wedding
Recycled Furniture
Recycled Furniture
Chairs Made of Cans, Bathtubs, Shopping Carts
Suitcase Sofas
Suitcase Sofas
Recycle Your Old Suitcases Into Eco Furniture
Recycled Bathtub Furniture
Recycled Bathtub Furniture
Cast Iron Tubs Become Funky Sofas