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36 Daring Cookbooks

From Savory Meaty Handguides to Morning After Recipes

— December 11, 2012 — Eco
These daring cookbooks provide interesting twists to the standard delivery of recipes. Publishing companies have made distinct efforts to attract niche audiences, be it those who enjoy vegan-only cuisine or those who have a need for cooking in a haste.

Savory meaty hand guides and morning after recipes have been placed on the stacks of book stores and check out lines. The compendiums are often dedicated to an almost cult-like kitchen theme, taking away the past preference for continental style dishes that were of mass appeal to diners and foodies of all backgrounds. Specific flavors and styles are instead picked up on and furthermore reflected upon in the images, interviews and even grocery store reviews.
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Prose-Inspired Cookbooks
Prose-Inspired Cookbooks
The Hemingway Cookbook Draws Recipes from the Author's Life and Works
Haute Pub Grub Cookbooks
Haute Pub Grub Cookbooks
The Rob Dobson 'Grillhouse' Compendium is Sophisticated
Iron Chef Tablet Sleeves
Iron Chef Tablet Sleeves
The Chef Sleeve Keeps Your iPad Clean in the Kitchen
Twitter Cookbooks
Twitter Cookbooks
The Tweet Pie Book Offers Succint Recipes in 140 Characters or Less
Morning After Recipes
Morning After Recipes
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Savory Meaty Handguides
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Digital Cookbooks
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