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20 Covered-Up Art Pieces

From Patterned Mosaic Cutouts to Shocking Mixed Media Art

— June 18, 2013 — Art & Design
These covered-up art pieces feature a single subject that is painted, collaged over or otherwise manipulated to block the subject of the art piece. Although it seems like a counter-intuitive move to create something and cover it up, this effect brings an element of mystery and surrealism to artwork. Artists are covering up their art with pixel-like blocks, rectangular cutouts and messy magazine-like collages. Artistic mediums vary, but the same results are yielded in each piece.

Although most of the artwork's focal point may be covered up, this technique leaves just enough information for viewers to fill in the gaps as to what lies underneath. This is evident in pieces like Andrew Neil Megson's collage which covers Queen Elizabeth's face with breakfast foods.

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