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100 Gift Ideas For Chefs

From Banana-Injecting Gadgets to Street Meat Kitchen Supplies

— November 13, 2014 — Lifestyle
As a staunch cooking enthusiast, there's no doubt that I'd love to have any of these gadgets in my kitchen. The same kind of thinking probably also applies to the chef in your life.

Cooking enthusiasts are actually easy people to gift-shop for, simply because of the wide variety of gifts available out there for people who love to cook, whether they're into baking pies, grilling red meat or preparing a curry from scratch.

For me personally, the part of cooking that takes up the most time and effort is the prep. I wouldn't mind being gifted a handy tool this Christmas that'll help me cut down on my prep time.

People who like to cook also often like to reproduce dishes they've come across in fancy restaurants or hole-in-the-wall eateries; sure enough, there are a number of gifts you could buy to help the wannabe Michelin-starred chef in your life achieve this aim.
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Pirate Tea Steepers
Pirate Tea Steepers
The Skeletal Silicone Halloween Tea Infuser Looks Like a Skull and Crossbones
Wireless Thermometer Guns
Wireless Thermometer Guns
The Maverick LT03 Shows the Temperature of Your Food On Its LCD Screen
Precise Dispenser Bottles
Precise Dispenser Bottles
This Measuring Bottle Lets You Measure and Dispense Liquids
BBQ Gas Gauges
BBQ Gas Gauges
The Smart Gaswatch Keeps Track of the Propane in Your Tank
Healthy Cooking Contraptions
Healthy Cooking Contraptions
The 'Mellow' Cooker Uses Sous-Vide Cooking to Produce Meals to Order
Tablet Chopping Boards
Tablet Chopping Boards
The Big Chop Holly Oak Kitchen Board Has an Integrated Tablet Display
Blooming Beverage Siphons
Blooming Beverage Siphons
Pour Liquids Without Spilling a Drop When Using the Fill-a-Lily Funnel
Corkscrew-Inspired Squeezers
Corkscrew-Inspired Squeezers
The JUGO Two-Handed Juicer Requires an Easy Mirrored Motion to Work
Portion-Controlling Platters
Portion-Controlling Platters
The Meal Measure Ensures Individuals Eat Suggested Servings
Fresh Flatbread Machines
Fresh Flatbread Machines
The Flatev Machine Helps You Make Tortillas at Home
Ceramic Coffee Cup Lids
Ceramic Coffee Cup Lids
This Lid Makes You Feel Like You’re Sipping Coffee From Your Favorite Mug
Dual Functioning Kitchen Scales
Dual Functioning Kitchen Scales
This Super Kitchen Scale Allows You to Multitask
Street Meat Kitchen Supplies
Street Meat Kitchen Supplies
The Nostalgia Electrics Hot Dog Toaster Serves Two
Nutrition Analyzing Mats
Nutrition Analyzing Mats
The 'Nutrima' Analyzes Your Food by Touching It
Digital Heat-Monitoring Cooking Aids
Digital Heat-Monitoring Cooking Aids
The iDevice Kitchen Thermometer Premiered at CES 2014
Handheld Food Scanners
Handheld Food Scanners
Device Lets You Know What's in Your Food Before You Buy or Eat It
Ingredient Identifying Displays
Ingredient Identifying Displays
The Smart Cooking System Lists Recipes Based on the Placed Produce
Cut-Reducing Utensils
Cut-Reducing Utensils
The Knife Glider Promotes Safe Cutting in the Kitchen
Instant Bacon-Sizzling Racks
Instant Bacon-Sizzling Racks
Cook Bacon in a Flash with This Microwave Bacon Rack
Seedling Recipe Stirrers
Seedling Recipe Stirrers
The Electrolux Easy Stir Prevents Clumpy Food While Tending Other Dishes
Assisting Sushi-Preperation Gadgets
Assisting Sushi-Preperation Gadgets
The Sushi Bazooka Helps You Effortlessly Make the Perfect Roll
Drum-Shaped Ovens
Drum-Shaped Ovens
The Beetoven Cooker Replaces the Bulky Appliance in Your Kitchen
Professional Cherry Pitters
Professional Cherry Pitters
With the Rösle Cherry Pitter, Pitting Cherries is a Piece of Cake
Copper Coffee Brewers
Copper Coffee Brewers
This Brassy Turkish Coffee Pot Will Stand Out in Your Kitchen Cabinet
Gluten-Monitoring Devices
Gluten-Monitoring Devices
The Canary is a Portable Gadget That Allows You To Test Gluten in Foods
Futuristic Food Slicers
Futuristic Food Slicers
For Quick Cooking, the Blitz Laser Device Does All of Your Dicing for You
Homebound Grocery Gadgets
Homebound Grocery Gadgets
Hiku by Rob Katcher Makes Sure Nothing is Forgotten at the Supermarket
Speedy Noodle Makers
Speedy Noodle Makers
The Compact Philips Noodle Maker Makes Pasta Within 15 Minutes
Portable Soda Makers
Portable Soda Makers
The Purefizz Soda Maker Makes Soda Anywhere, Anytime
Multifunctional Egg-Separating Gadgets
Multifunctional Egg-Separating Gadgets
The OXO Egg Yolk Extractor is an Eggsellent Kitchen Helper
Clever Fruit-Picking Contraptions
Clever Fruit-Picking Contraptions
The Tree Fruit Picker is Handy and Convenient
Laser Food Choppers
Laser Food Choppers
The 'Innovative Laser Device For Cutting Of Foodstuff' Does Away with Knives
All-In-One Spaghetti Helpers
All-In-One Spaghetti Helpers
These Multi-Talented Pasta Tools Decrease Kitchen Clutter
Robotic Bread Browners
Robotic Bread Browners
The Automatic Toast Machine Enhances the Technology of Breakfast Prep
Bluetooth Baking Dispensers
Bluetooth Baking Dispensers
The PantryChic Ingredient Dispenser is Perfect For Lazy Bakers
Double-Decker Dessert Makers
Double-Decker Dessert Makers
‘Nostalgia Electric’ Ice Cream Sandwich Maker Yields Deli
Multifaceted Camping Cutlery
Multifaceted Camping Cutlery
This All-Inclusive Camper's Key Fob Features a Fork, Spoon and Knife
Food-Smelling Pods
Food-Smelling Pods
The 'Smeller' Sniffs to Help You Avoid Rotten Produce
Humorous Hamburger Spatulas
Humorous Hamburger Spatulas
The Burger Flipper is Ideal for Hamburger-Loving Fanatics
Fishing Rod Roasters
Fishing Rod Roasters
This Reusable Weiner Cooking Rod Does Away with Wooden Campfire Sticks
Miniature Pizza Pressers
Miniature Pizza Pressers
The 'Breville Crispy Crust Pizza Maker' Makes Perfect Pie at Home
Musical Culinary Mixers
Musical Culinary Mixers
The Electrolux Tempo Blender Aids with Recipes and Entertainment
Phone-Connected Cooking Thermometers
Phone-Connected Cooking Thermometers
This Cooking Thermometer Reports Progress to Your Phone
Gadget Pastry Shapers
Gadget Pastry Shapers
The Donkey Products Phone Cake Pan Lets You Have iPhone for Dessert
Sleek Ultra-Functional Mixers
Sleek Ultra-Functional Mixers
The 'KÜMA – 15' Mixer Works as a Scale and Mixer Simultan
Campfire Grilling Tools
Campfire Grilling Tools
The Pitt-Grill Makes Campfire Cooking an Easier Experience
Stuffed Pizza Shapers
Stuffed Pizza Shapers
The Williams-Sonoma Calzone Mold is Ingeniously Designed
Seasoning-Dispensing Utensils
Seasoning-Dispensing Utensils
The Electrolux SaltSpoon Self-Scoops Your Desired Serving
Scent-Trapping Kitchen Accessories
Scent-Trapping Kitchen Accessories
The Odor Transformer Keeps Your House Free of Food Smells
Stove Safety Devices
Stove Safety Devices
The SAMAG Uses a Magnetic Field to Reduce the Risk of Cooking Injuries
Fridge Freshness Monitors
Fridge Freshness Monitors
The iFresh Keeps You Informed of the Declining Quality of Your Groceries
Snack Sac Staplers
Snack Sac Staplers
A Chip Bag Resealer Prevents Your Chips From Going Stale with an Air-Tight Seal
Pancake Lollipop Makers
Pancake Lollipop Makers
Roky is a Handy Device for Making Pancakes on a Stick
Biscuit Dish Bakers
Biscuit Dish Bakers
The Bake.A.Dish Electrolux Concept Produces an Edible Bowl for Every Meal
Ingenious Ingredient Isolaters
Ingenious Ingredient Isolaters
The Egg Separator Provides a Complete Division of Yolk and White
Levitating Exhaust Fans
Levitating Exhaust Fans
The Nest Captures Smoke From All Angles
Fowl-Feeding Bread Browners
Fowl-Feeding Bread Browners
The Me and You Toaster Lets You Share Scraps with Feathered Friends
Strawberry Slicing Tools
Strawberry Slicing Tools
This Kitchen Gadget Means Safely Cutting Strawberries One-Handed
Daintily Designed Java Makers
Daintily Designed Java Makers
The Masanobu Ando Coffee Dripper Makes a Beautiful Cup of Coffee
Energy-Converting Receptacles
Energy-Converting Receptacles
The Revive Makes Food Waste Recycling Practical and Functional
Marvelous Flavorful Foam Makers
Marvelous Flavorful Foam Makers
Electrolux Spummy Can Instantly Satisfy Any Craving for Any Food
Rolling Garlic Choppers
Rolling Garlic Choppers
The Pint-Sized Garlic Zoom XL Minces Garlic on Wheels
No-Water Egg Boilers
No-Water Egg Boilers
The Eggxactly Cooker Brings Food to a Boil Sans Liquid
Simplified Sushi Rollers
Simplified Sushi Rollers
The Sushezi is the Ideal Device for Sushi Lovers
Smart Assistive Stovetops
Smart Assistive Stovetops
The Cookaware Cooktop is the Ideal Appliance for Absent-Minded Chefs
Perfect Timing Snack Machines
Perfect Timing Snack Machines
The Snack Master Toaster from UNOLD Is a One-Stop Gadget
Spinning Skewer Cookers
Spinning Skewer Cookers
The Spinarri Automatic BBQ Skewer Is a Cook’s Calling
Modern Mobile Saucepans
Modern Mobile Saucepans
The Movpot Has a Built-in Element to Bring Cooking Out of the Kitchen
Drawn-Out Cooking Devices
Drawn-Out Cooking Devices
The Sansaire Sous Vide Circulator Ensure Juicy Food in Comfort of Home
Instant Noodle Cup Holders
Instant Noodle Cup Holders
This Holder Lets You Eat Your Instant Noodles with Ease
Lateral Track Bread Browners
Lateral Track Bread Browners
The AR232 Arzum Toaster Draws Out Like a Drawer for Easy Loading
Manually Powered Food Processors
Manually Powered Food Processors
The VeggiChop Slice, Dices and Mixes By Pulling the Ripcord
Molecular Meal Makers
Molecular Meal Makers
The GastroPlay Kit Brings the Science of Food Preparation to Amateur Chefs
Spooky Spoon Designs
Spooky Spoon Designs
The Sugar Skull Spoon was Designed for Fans of the Macabre
Steak-Searing Centerpieces
Steak-Searing Centerpieces
The Mesa Indoor Grill Station Makes Food Preparation a Family Affair
Simple Sushi-Rolling Machines
Simple Sushi-Rolling Machines
The Easy Sushi Roller is Great for Saving Time and Serving Many
Intuitive Food Printers
Intuitive Food Printers
Atomium Makes Meals From Molecules, Tailored to Taste and Nutrient Needs
Choppable Tablet Holders
Choppable Tablet Holders
The Cutting Board with iPad Stand Keeps Your Gadget in Sight
Smart Measuring Kitchen Gadgets
Smart Measuring Kitchen Gadgets
Measure With Ease Using a Admetior Digital Volumetric Spoon Scale
Peculiar Pasta Cookers
Peculiar Pasta Cookers
The Udon Noodle Box Modernizes Form and Function by the Mouthful
Citrus Fruit Sectioning Tools
Citrus Fruit Sectioning Tools
This Chef'n Grapefruiter Solves How to Cut Grapefruit in a Rush
Garbage Can Barbecues
Garbage Can Barbecues
The Pit Barbecue from Pit Barrel Cooker Co. Resembles a Trash Can
21st Century Grilling Equipment
21st Century Grilling Equipment
The Bluetooth BBQ Thermometer Lets Cooks Get the Perfect Searing
Wrist-Worn Cooking Companions
Wrist-Worn Cooking Companions
TheCHEF Helps You Shop and Delegate to Produce Scrumptious Suppers
Banana-Injecting Gadgets
Banana-Injecting Gadgets
The DestapaBanana Fills Banana Fruits Up with Delicious Syrup Flavors
Cube-Shaping Food Gadgets
Cube-Shaping Food Gadgets
Create Blocks of Rice Like a SousChef with the Rice Cube Kitchenware
Social Cooking Devices
Social Cooking Devices
Rota-Cook Enables Collective Kitchen Cooking
School Supply Kitchen Gadgets
School Supply Kitchen Gadgets
The Karoto Sharpener and Peeler Makes Carrot Cutting Precise
Automated Stirring Devices
Automated Stirring Devices
The Stirio Helps to Constantly Stir a Pot on the Stove
Compact Corn Strippers
Compact Corn Strippers
This OXO Kitchen Appliance Conveniently Removes Corn Kernels from the Cob
Utilitarian Fruit Peelers
Utilitarian Fruit Peelers
The Giro Apple Slicer is Ideal for Snack Time
Game Console Cooking Devices
Game Console Cooking Devices
The NES Toaster Crisps Bread While Providing Nostalgia
Computer-Powered Microwaves
Computer-Powered Microwaves
My Lunchbox Leaves the Task of Heating Meals to Your Office Desktop
Compact Culinary Appliances
Compact Culinary Appliances
The VIA Modular Cooking Unit Makes Any Meal on Your Countertop
Scary Skeletal Spatulas
Scary Skeletal Spatulas
These William Sonoma Halloween Kitchen Items are Spooky
Hipster Coffee Filters
Hipster Coffee Filters
The Intelligent Design Co. Mason Jar Coffee Tool Makes Java on-the-Go
Mini Wall-Mounted Stoves
Mini Wall-Mounted Stoves
The S.I.A.M. Induction Cooker Serves Up Efficient Dishes for One
Digital Age Dinner Makers
Digital Age Dinner Makers
The F3D Food Printer Instantly Prepares Meals to Improve Eating Habits
Ingredient-Examining Blades
Ingredient-Examining Blades
The Smart Knife Analyzes and Calculates the Freshness of Your Food