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50 Contemporary Dollhouse Toys

From Collapsible Dollhouse Chairs to Modernist Miniature Residences

— January 19, 2015 — Life-Stages
These contemporary dollhouse toys range from dollhouse table hybrids to storage units that double as a unique doll dwelling. Unlike traditional dollhouses, these kid-centric products are more modern and whimsical in their aesthetic.

Standouts from this list include multi-purpose furnishings and up-cycled toys that are made using discarded materials. While Torafu Architects' Dollhouse chair can be used as a seat, a shelf and as a dollhouse, Daniele Del Nero's dollhouse structures appear to decompose thanks to the artist's use of organic and re-purposed materials.

If you grew up playing with dollhouses, you will love these unexpected and imaginative products. From fruit-shaped designs to products that are inspired by modernist architecture, these dollhouses are more artful than a traditional version of the popular toy.
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Pop Culture Dollhouse Adaptations
Pop Culture Dollhouse Adaptations
These Pop Culture Images Imagine Movie Scenes in Dollhouses
Fruit-Shaped Doll Houses
Fruit-Shaped Doll Houses
These Apple and Pear House Designs from Rock and Pebble are Imaginative
Dollhouse Vacuum Cleaners
Dollhouse Vacuum Cleaners
Artist Frank Halmans Explores Domestic Life Through Dirt and Debris
Halloween Coloring Projects
Halloween Coloring Projects
The Haunted Haus by Moses Knows is a Three-Dimensional Activity
Luxurious Replica Dollhouses
Luxurious Replica Dollhouses
The Miiboxen Arne Jacobsen Replica House from Minimii is Decadent
Tech-Inspired Dollhouses
Tech-Inspired Dollhouses
Roominate Inspires Little Girls to Pursue Dream Jobs Associated With Men
Jigsaw Dolly Domiciles
Jigsaw Dolly Domiciles
This Dollhouse Puzzle Appeals to the Inquisitive Kid
Vintage Suitcase Sculptures
Vintage Suitcase Sculptures
The Hotels by Bo Christian Larsson Offer Mini Accommodations
Petite Homey Shelving
Petite Homey Shelving
‘Under My Roof' by Christian Vivanco is a Cute Space-Saver
Dollhouse Humidors
Dollhouse Humidors
The LINLEY 'Partagas Serie D' s a Playful Way to House Cigars
Your Home As A Dollhouse
Your Home As A Dollhouse
FAO Schwartz Replicates Houses, Chalets & More
Dollhouse-Inspired Bookcases
Dollhouse-Inspired Bookcases
This Tall Bookcase is the Perfect Size for Your Kids
Dollhouse Coffee Tables
Dollhouse Coffee Tables
The QUBIS HAUS by Amy Whitworth is Fit for Adults and Children
Solar-Paneled Dollhouses
Solar-Paneled Dollhouses
Eco Playset Made of Renewable And Recycled Wood
Decomposing Doll Houses
Decomposing Doll Houses
Daniele Del Nero Creates Creepy Rotting Scale Models of Structures
Doll House Tables
Doll House Tables
Desk Mini Fortress
Contemporary Design Dollhouses
Contemporary Design Dollhouses
Brinca Dada Creates Stylish, Minimalist Miniature Homes
Contemporary Toy Homes
Contemporary Toy Homes
The 'Tdo Wallpaper Dollhouse' is Also a Luxury Lamp
Grisly Dollhouses
Grisly Dollhouses
'Of Dolls and Murder' Documents Low-Tech Crime Solving
Contemporary Dollhouse Toys
Contemporary Dollhouse Toys
Krista Peel's Unique Dollhouse Reinvents a Traditional Design
Guitar-Made Dollhouses
Guitar-Made Dollhouses
Lorraine of Fairy Meadow Miniatures Creates a Unique Diorama for Daughter
Toy Block-Made Magic Schools
Toy Block-Made Magic Schools
Alice Finch Has Created This Impressively Inclusive LEGO Hogwarts
Mountainous Dollhouses
Mountainous Dollhouses
The StudioXAG 'Hands On: Design Brought to Life' Exhibit
Modern Design Dollhouses
Modern Design Dollhouses
The Contemporary Dollhouse by New8th is Perfect for Adults
Eco-Friendly Toy Homes
Eco-Friendly Toy Homes
Solar Powered Bamboo Dollhouse Pleases Children and Saves Planet
Knitted Graffiti Installations
Knitted Graffiti Installations
'CAFAM Granny Squared' Covers an Entire Building with Yarn
Deranged Dollhouses
Deranged Dollhouses
Marc Giai-Miniet Creates Amazing Multi-Level Sculptures
Pop-Up Notebook Dollhouses
Pop-Up Notebook Dollhouses
Rock & Pebble's Pop-Up Book is a Customizable Dollhouse
Female Empowering Dollhouses
Female Empowering Dollhouses
Roominate is an Unconventional Female Empowerment Tool for Girls
Dollhouse-Table Hybrids (UPDATE)
Dollhouse-Table Hybrids (UPDATE)
The Qubis Haus Coffee Table Dollhouse is Made for All
Chic Contemporary Doll Houses
Chic Contemporary Doll Houses
Dolls Villa Pimps Out Toy Homes
Huge Delectable Dollhouses
Huge Delectable Dollhouses
The $15,000 Edible Gingerbread Playhouse is 6 Feet of Sugary Fun
Eco-Friendly Doll Houses
Eco-Friendly Doll Houses
David Baker's Modularean Eco Doll House
Modernized Dollhouses
Modernized Dollhouses
The Emerson House by Brinca Dada is an Updated Take on the Original
Gigantic Kids Toy Structures
Gigantic Kids Toy Structures
'Knock' Created a Life-Size Dollhouse to Promote H&M Home Products
Iconic Livable Dollhouse Structures
Iconic Livable Dollhouse Structures
The Eaton House is the Barbie Dream House Brought to Life
Modernist Doll Houses
Modernist Doll Houses
Wolfgang Sirch & Christoph Bitzer Design Child's Dream Toy
Collapsible Dollhouse Chairs
Collapsible Dollhouse Chairs
Torafu Architects' Design Transforms from Toy to Furniture Piece
Magnified Postmodern Dollhouses
Magnified Postmodern Dollhouses
Haus E17 Charms with Abstractness, Simplicity and Iconic Quality
Designer Doll Dwellings
Designer Doll Dwellings
These Modern Doll Houses were Created by Architects for Charity
Pathological Hoarder Dollhouses
Pathological Hoarder Dollhouses
'Barbie Trashes Her Dreamhouse' is Inspired by the Word Kawaii
Life Lesson Fashion Ads
Life Lesson Fashion Ads
Catherine McNeil in Diesel 'Portraits for Successful Living' Campaign
Hobbit Home Dollhouses
Hobbit Home Dollhouses
Bag End by Maddie Brindley is Exhaustively Detailed
Dollhouse-Inspired Kids Beds
Dollhouse-Inspired Kids Beds
This Loft Bed Lets Girls Have Their Own Little Cottage
Life-Sized Dollhouses
Life-Sized Dollhouses
Abandoned Farmhouse Transformed Into Giant Playhouse
Life-Sized Dollhouse Installations
Life-Sized Dollhouse Installations
Grand Central Station Hosts a Huge House to Promote Target
Personalized McMansion Dollhouses
Personalized McMansion Dollhouses
Pine Island Replica Houses
Luxe Modern Dollhouses
Luxe Modern Dollhouses
The Architect Barbie Dreamhouse is a Career Woman's Haven
DIY Christmas Tree Dollhouses
DIY Christmas Tree Dollhouses
Mr. Printables' DIY Christmas Toy Dollhouse is Made from Cardboard
Shipping Container Doll Houses
Shipping Container Doll Houses
The M112 Pod Miniatures Teach Children Green Living