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26 Devilish Comic Strips

From Hipster Hitler to Disappointed Father Superheroes

These comedic comic strips are absolutely hilarious and many of them are devilishly clever. More and more comic strip blogs continue to pop up as the potential to go viral increases due to the fact that the Internet is becoming a way of life.

Many comic artists have chosen to parody superheroes and other pop culture figures. The 'If Doctor Seuss Was Actually A Real Doctor' comic is priceless because a real doctor probably shouldn't be wearing a big hat and rhyming their advice to their patients. Even the 'Disappointed Dad Batman' is entertaining because it reminds one of things their own parents say.

Anyone who likes comic strips or is familiar with lots of pop culture references is sure to get a kick out of these cartoons.
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Online Comic Strip Archives
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The Little League Tumblr Takes Viewers Back in Time
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Iconic Comic Strip Parodies
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