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20 Chinese Dining Experiences

From Converted Prison Restaurants to Artisinal Baiju Bars

— May 6, 2015 — Lifestyle
These Chinese dining experiences range from converted prison restaurants to artisanal baiju bars that introduce the nation's drink of choice to tourists with an appreciation for authenticity. China is not only a budding economic center but is also a mecca for experiential dining.

The nation's food experiences are not only limited to sensory restaurant spaces and sky-high lounges but also include personal chef apps that connect food lovers with a premium meal of their liking. These Chinese dining experiences will appeal to foodies with an appreciation for gourmet and traditional cuisine along with those with an affinity for themed restaurant concepts.

While the North American themed restaurant might consist of a dinner and a show, China's cell-situated prison restaurants and surrealist art bars leave a more dynamic and lasting impression on its visitors.
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Artisanal Baiju Bars
Artisanal Baiju Bars
China's Capital Spirits Bar Offer Authentic and Cultural Cocktails
Personal Chef Apps
Personal Chef Apps
Hao Chushi Connects Users with Chefs Who Prepare Meals Within One's Home
Socially Conscious Pizzerias
Socially Conscious Pizzerias
Gung Ho! is a Sustainable Restaurant in Beijing Revolutionizing Pizza
Industrial Chinese Eateries
Industrial Chinese Eateries
Beijing's Liang Shi Restaurant is Located in the City's Art District
Feminine Steak Boxes
Feminine Steak Boxes
W Steak for Kids Appeals to Mothers Seeking High-Protein Meals
Industrial Asian Bar Designs
Industrial Asian Bar Designs
Roy Zsidai Builds a Pub in Budapest with Various Influences
Oriental Whiskey Fortresses
Oriental Whiskey Fortresses
The Johnnie Walker House & Limited-Edition Bottles in Shanghai China
Converted Prison Restaurants
Converted Prison Restaurants
China's Latest Experiential Dining Fad Involves Shackles and a Cell
Ecological Chinese Cafes
Ecological Chinese Cafes
This Chinese Cafe Puts an Emphasis on Building Community & Upcycling
Dish-Decorated Ceilings
Dish-Decorated Ceilings
The Taiwan Noodle House Has Fixtures That Match the Crockery
Surrealist Bar Rooms
Surrealist Bar Rooms
The Yucca Lounge is Beautifully Vibrant and Crazy
Multi-Sensory Eateries
Multi-Sensory Eateries
The UltraViolet Restaurant by Paul Pairet is Modern Luxury Epitomized
Antiquated Alleyway Bars
Antiquated Alleyway Bars
This Shanghai Punch Bar Resembles an Old World Establishment
Fixed Gear Bicycle Boutiques
Fixed Gear Bicycle Boutiques
This Shanghai Bicycle Shop Boasts an Industrial-Chic Design
Incandescent Starry-Night Restaurants
Incandescent Starry-Night Restaurants
‘The Feast’ Restaurant in Shanghai Emulates the
Illusionary Sky Lounges
Illusionary Sky Lounges
The Kokaistudios ‘Yu Bar’ is Breathtaking
Marina-Inspired Seafood Shops
Marina-Inspired Seafood Shops
This Seafood Shop in Shanghai Boasts Intricate Design Details
Arabesque Shadow Interiors
Arabesque Shadow Interiors
Vegas Beijing Noodle No. 9 Provides a Surreal Dining Environment
Eclectically Retro Eateries
Eclectically Retro Eateries
The Matto Bar and Pizzeria is Cozy and Rustic