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37 Caring Community Interest Companies

From Social Health Services to Confidence-Building Sailing

— July 25, 2014 — Social Good
Since 2012 at, we've created a few different round-ups of caring community interest companies -- also known as just CICs. And it only keeps on growing. While this top list is full of innovative organizations in the United Kingdom, it's essential to also know what exactly a CIC is. It's a corporate legal designation that was enacted by the UK government in 2005. It's one of many company types under which a social enterprise can fall under.

According to the CIC Association, it's a popular one, too. "Roughly 1 in every 200 new companies last year was a CIC, and as of Mar 2014 there are almost 9000 CICs on the Regulators register," they write on their website.
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Film-Focused Community Companies
Film-Focused Community Companies
Jam Jar Cinema Brings People Together in the Name of Good Art
Empowering Social Services
Empowering Social Services
All Inclusive Disability Consultants CIC Promotes Unbiased Employment
Waste-Reverting Social Enterprises
Waste-Reverting Social Enterprises
Wombling CIC Recycles Goods Headed for the Landfill
Social Inclusion Play Enterprises
Social Inclusion Play Enterprises
Sofab Sports Gets People Off the Bench and into Employment
Accessible Software Programs
Accessible Software Programs
Clear On Media Creates Products for People with Learning Disabilities
Spanish-Supporting Social Enterprises
Spanish-Supporting Social Enterprises
'Movimiento Idun' is a Language-Based CIC in Spain
Culture-Based Clinics
Culture-Based Clinics
'My Time' Helps Fight Depression Through Person-Centered Approaches
Veteran Support CICs
Veteran Support CICs
'About Turn' is a Community Interest Company Assisting Armed Service Members
Disability Service Deliverers
Disability Service Deliverers
Balance CIC Strives for Independence Through Employment
Ex-Offender Employment Agencies
Ex-Offender Employment Agencies
A Fairer Chance Attempts to Support People Toward Sustainable Jobs
Independent Living Services
Independent Living Services
Progressive Lifestyle Solutions Offers Housing in Liverpool
Rehabilitating Social Enterprises
Rehabilitating Social Enterprises
Aspire Ensures That Those with Spinal Injuries are Not Forgotten
Healthy Community Interest Companies
Healthy Community Interest Companies
Wellbeing Enterprises Sustainably Targets the General Public
Confidence-Building Sailing Centers
Confidence-Building Sailing Centers
Port Edgar Watersports is a Community Interest Compan
Mental Health Social Enterprises
Mental Health Social Enterprises
Mentis Tree CIC is a Not for Profit for Psychological Therapy
Sustainable Construction Careers
Sustainable Construction Careers
Building Lives CIC Provides Apprenticeships to the Underemployed
Social Exclusion Enterprises
Social Exclusion Enterprises
The United Kingdom's 'Destiny Support' Seeks Out Engagement
Social Health Services
Social Health Services
NAViGO is a Community-Based Enterprise Focused on Care
Life-Enhancing Senior Enterprises
Life-Enhancing Senior Enterprises
'Action For Elders' is a CIC Tackling the Challenges of Old Age
Nature-Oriented Mental Health Services
Nature-Oriented Mental Health Services
Dementia Adventure Brings the Outdoors to Families
Surplus Food Supermarkets
Surplus Food Supermarkets
Community Shop is a Social Enterprise on a Pilot Program
Community Rollerskating Events
Community Rollerskating Events
'Let's Roll' Offers Disadvantage Kids the Chance to Move and PLay
Charity-Funding Carnivals
Charity-Funding Carnivals
Community Interest Company Circus Starr Uses Its Donated Ticket Schemes
Technological Literacy Programs
Technological Literacy Programs
‘121 Women and Computers' Teaches Valuable Employment
Imaginative Care Supporters
Imaginative Care Supporters
Community Catalysts Develops Radical Solutions to Social Issues
Affordable Natural Health Centers
Affordable Natural Health Centers
The Healing Clinic is an Accessible Community Interest Company
Housing Revolution Enterprises
Housing Revolution Enterprises
Seruna Future is a Community Interest Company Based in London
Work-Based Catering Academies
Work-Based Catering Academies
Create Foundation Works with Marginalized Communities
Community Craft Ciders
Community Craft Ciders
Brew On is a Social Enterprise Based in the United Kingdom
Anti-Stigma Food Companies
Anti-Stigma Food Companies
The Healthy Hub Creates Jobs for People with Mental Illnesses
Motivated Media Brands
Motivated Media Brands
'One&Other' Aims to Put the Social Purpose Back into Local Reporting
Vegan-Friendly Catering Companies
Vegan-Friendly Catering Companies
Change Kitchen Provides Jobs for the Homeless
Innovative Training Centers
Innovative Training Centers
Striding Out Supports Young Social Entrepreneurs
Youthful Entrepreneur Projects
Youthful Entrepreneur Projects
'Social Enterprise Africa' Trains Ethical Changemakers
Bike-Promoting Community Companies
Bike-Promoting Community Companies
'Get Cycling' is a Social Enterprise Promoting a Healthy Life
Nonprofit Coffee Shops
Nonprofit Coffee Shops
Strawberry Line Cafe Employs Adults with Learning Disabilities
Alternative Education Enterprises
Alternative Education Enterprises
KO2 is a Community Interest Company with a Love for Dirtbiking