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40 Bizarre Belt Designs

From Customized Board-Game Belts to Recycled Camera Accessories

— February 9, 2013 — Fashion
Belts are a great go-to option when you're looking to not only accessorize your outfit but keep your pants in place as well, and those wanting to get a little quirky with their waistbands will absolutely love these bizarre belt designs, which are both practical and eccentric.

While belts are often created for their functionality and not necessarily for style, these wonderfully eclectic belt designs showcase a more quirky side and seek to attract individuals looking to showcase their personality and unique style. From belts that feature sleek spy cameras to those that incorporate musical devices, these over-the-top belts are definitely one-of-kind.

These bold and bizarre belts are sure to attract those looking to add some eclectic touches to their everyday outfits.

Device-Charging Belts
Device-Charging Belts
The Volt Buckle Targets Gadget-Carrying Men
Vibrant Circular Waistbands
Vibrant Circular Waistbands
The Topo Designs Web Belt is a Welcome Addition to a Summer Outfit
Social Media Belts
Social Media Belts
The LikeBelt Lets You Navigate Facebook Through Pelvic Thrusts
Sporty Utility Waistbands
Sporty Utility Waistbands
Adidas SLVR Belt Pocket Holds Pants Up & Provides Storage Space
Boombox Belts
Boombox Belts
The Waistband Amplifier is Like a Musical Love Handle for Those On-the-Go
Bovine Belt Benches
Bovine Belt Benches
This Zhou Hontago Bench Boasts a Bull Head and 1000 Belts
Bad Game Belts
Bad Game Belts
SO-ME's ‘Ex-Girlfriend' Buckles Identify Players with Weak Game
Nostalgic Raw Leather Goods
Nostalgic Raw Leather Goods
The KC CO Leather Products are Plain and Crafted to Perfection
Designer Seatbelts
Designer Seatbelts
UAE Solves Safety Concern with Unique Approach
Customized Board-Game Belts
Customized Board-Game Belts
The BackBeat Leather Collection is Inspired by Pop Culture
BBQ Tool Waistbands
BBQ Tool Waistbands
The Pit Boss Belt is Perfect for Cooking
Rainbow Recycled Belts
Rainbow Recycled Belts
Tie-Ups are Eco-Conscious and Elegant
Hidden Handyman Belts
Hidden Handyman Belts
The 686 'Snow Toolbelt' for the Classy Carpenter
Customizable Charity-Driven Accessories
Customizable Charity-Driven Accessories
C4 Belts are Socially Conscious and Eco-Friendly
Magnetic Tool Belts
Magnetic Tool Belts
MagnoGrip Magnetic Work Gear Makes Building More Convenient
Customizable Belts
Customizable Belts
The Multi Zipper Belt Makes Looking One-of-a-Kind Simple
Edgy Metal Waistbands
Edgy Metal Waistbands
The Everything Forever Belts Collection is Bold and Intricate
Backbone Belts
Backbone Belts
Accessorize With an Extra Spine with the Eco-Friendly Vertebrae Belt
Baking Belts
Baking Belts
Personal Sauna Belts Melt Fat
BB Gun Belts
BB Gun Belts
Buncombe Buckles Use Old Metal, Like Pellets & Fences, in New Ways
Geeky Gamer Belts
Geeky Gamer Belts
Show your Love for Video Games with the Super Mario Belt
Literal Seatbelt Seats
Literal Seatbelt Seats
Adam Barron Creates a Comfy Modern Chair Out of Recycled Seatbelts
Psychedelic Handmade Belts
Psychedelic Handmade Belts
The Andean Collection is a Vivid and Ethical Line of Fashion
Upcycled Peg Fashion
Upcycled Peg Fashion
Cliff Cork Belts Shows That Wine Stoppers Have a Fashionable Purpose
Toolbelts for Fashionistas
Toolbelts for Fashionistas
Chic Tool-Emblazoned Waist Belts
Western Hipster Belts
Western Hipster Belts
Tanner Goods Hand-Tooled Belt Will Have You Ready for Line Dancing
Belts of Art
Belts of Art
Unchaste Releases New Belts by International Graphic Artists
Fire Hoses as Accessories
Fire Hoses as Accessories
Patina Japan Recycles Old Hoses into Shoulder Bags
Recycled Camera Accessories
Recycled Camera Accessories
Seat Belt Camera Straps Can Hold Up to 6000 Pounds
Lumberjack Wooden Belts
Lumberjack Wooden Belts
A Wood Grain Leather Belt and Bark Buckle from You and Me The Royal We
Naughty Disguised Belts
Naughty Disguised Belts
Dominate More than Just Fashion with the Incoqnito Lash Belt
Buckless Belts
Buckless Belts
The First Leather Elt
Origami-Inspired Waist-Cinchers
Origami-Inspired Waist-Cinchers
Italian Designer Silvia Favilla & Her Ferragamo Leather Belts
Bad-Ass Booze Belts
Bad-Ass Booze Belts
The Shot Glass Bandolier Screams Frat Boy Meets Rambo
Rustic Chunky Accessories
Rustic Chunky Accessories
The Sylvie Markovina Fall Winter 2010 Collection is Metallic and Chic
Bike Tire Belts
Bike Tire Belts
Julien Jaborska Channels His Love for Cycling into Fashion
Spy Camera Belts
Spy Camera Belts
This Belt Camera Will Catch What's Going On
Garter Belts as Fashion
Garter Belts as Fashion
Richard Nicoll Uses Stocking Hardware as Fashion Detail
Handcuffed Belts
Handcuffed Belts
Turkan Arpaci Shows Us All How to Have 'Street Style'
$250,000 Belts
$250,000 Belts
Gucci and Stuart Hughes Create World's Most Expensive Goldstriker Belt