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38 Birth-Control Contraptions

Overcoming Nature's Procreation Programming

— January 13, 2009 — Naughty
Birth control was once illegal. In 1873, the U.S. Congress passed the Comstock Act, a statute that defined contraceptives as obscene and illicit. It made it a federal offense to disseminate birth control through the mail or across state lines.

Even during WWII, military men were encouraged to abstain, though condoms were made available for emergencies. There were no such emergency devices for women. There were a number of phrases along the lines of, “she got herself knocked up,” as if the condition were the result of a solitary act. 

As recently as the 1960’s there were laws on the books restricting or prohibiting the use of contraception in at least 30 states. It was considered lewd, immoral and a precursor to promiscuity.

All I can say is that I’m very glad things have changed! In celebration of fooling around for fun, I offer the following trends for your education and amusement.
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Pro-Life Pharmacies
Pro-Life Pharmacies
Drugstores Refuse to Sell Birth Control
Controversial Gift Certificates
Controversial Gift Certificates
Planned Parenthood Has Indiana Females Covered
$75 Million Pet Sterilization
$75 Million Pet Sterilization
Contraceptives for Cats and Dogs
Birth Control Combined With Breath Control
Birth Control Combined With Breath Control
Contraception Via SMS
Contraception Via SMS
The PillBell Reminder
Birth Control For Insects
Birth Control For Insects
Controlling Creepy Crawlers
Permanent Birth Control?
Permanent Birth Control?
Adiana Essure Coils Only Take 2 Minutes For Lasting Prevention
Political Prophylactics
Political Prophylactics
Bush, Hitler & Sadam Condoms
Get it on Faster & Better
Get it on Faster & Better
Pronto Condoms
Air Balloon Condoms
Air Balloon Condoms
Mile High Rubber Endorses Safe Sex
Birth Control For Squirrels
Birth Control For Squirrels
UK Sterilization Plan
Schering Bangkok
Schering Bangkok
Crying Garbage Can Ad Campaign for Birth Control
Birth Control Pill For Pigeons
Birth Control Pill For Pigeons
Hollywood Birds on OvoControl P
Eco-friendly Condoms
Eco-friendly Condoms
Green Johnny From The Amazon
Spearmint Flavored Chewable Birth Control Pills
Spearmint Flavored Chewable Birth Control Pills
Presidential Naughty
Presidential Naughty
Obama Condoms for Your 'Little' Democrat
Rap Star Rubbers
Rap Star Rubbers
50 Cent Brand Expands to Cover Safe Sex
Hairbands Made of Condoms
Hairbands Made of Condoms
STD Styles Take Recycling Too Far
Condoms Get High-Tech: Make Love to Cellphone Music
Condoms Get High-Tech: Make Love to Cellphone Music
Phone Carries Condoms, Vibrator, Preg Test
Phone Carries Condoms, Vibrator, Preg Test
The ShePhone
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Your Image on a Personalized Prophylactic
Instructive Prophylactics
Instructive Prophylactics
Kama Sutra Condoms Teach You 64 Crazy Positions
Free Holiday Condoms
Free Holiday Condoms
Planned Parenthood Clinics Prep For Obamamania
Clever Condoms
Clever Condoms
The iCondom
Energy Drinks That Come With Condoms
Energy Drinks That Come With Condoms
The Billy Boy
Musical Condoms
Musical Condoms
When Transducers Become Part of Sex
Free Condoms For Feedback
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Durex Seeking Condom Testers
Speedy Condoms
Speedy Condoms
Pull Strips for Fast Application
Measuring Stick Condoms
Measuring Stick Condoms
Condometrics Reveal the Truth
Miley Cyrus for Safe Sex Promotion?
Miley Cyrus for Safe Sex Promotion?
LifeStyles Condoms Hopes So!
Radio-Controlled Contraceptives
Radio-Controlled Contraceptives
Reversible Vasectomy
Olympic Condoms
Olympic Condoms
Elasun Ads Go Viral in China
Canine Prophylactics
Canine Prophylactics
Dog Condoms
Organic Pleasure
Organic Pleasure
Vegan Condoms and Wild Yam Organic Lubes
Difficult Advertising & Branding
Difficult Advertising & Branding
Olla Condoms