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25 Bank-Related Social Innovations

From Impact Bond Shorts to Creative Credit Programs

— June 23, 2013 — Social Good
In many ways, this top list of bank-related social innovations stems from the Grameen Bank in the sense that the conversation often comes back to microfinance, microcredit and microloans. At the same time, however, banking and social entrepreneurship often intersect in a variety of ways that our outside what Muhammad Yunus started a number of years ago.

From impact bond shorts to creative credit programs, these bank-related social innovations attempt to change the way banking is typically an exclusive practice and bring more people into a fairer bank system (and there's an organization in London, United Kingdom called Fair Finance which offers accessible and affordable finance). Another way is through education, for example, what MyBnk and its founder, Lily Lapenna, are pushing for.
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Socially Responsible Loan Services
Socially Responsible Loan Services
Moneyline Cymru Offers Affordable Credit Solutions
Accessible Loans
Accessible Loans
My Home Finance is a Deloitte Social Innovation Pioneer
Neighborhood-Revitalizing Banks
Neighborhood-Revitalizing Banks
Next Street Financial Works in Inner-City Communities
Creative Credit Programs
Creative Credit Programs
The Microfinance for Artists Research Project Focuses on Socio-Economics
Local Time Banking Communities
Local Time Banking Communities
Hour Exchange Portland Has Residents Trading Services
World Bank Books
World Bank Books
'The New Microfinance Handbook: A Financial Market System Perspective'
Volunteer Time Credits
Volunteer Time Credits
Spice Innovations Engages Community in Order to Create Change
American-Based Microlending
American-Based Microlending
ACCION Chicago Provides Financial Access to Small Business Owners
Cashless Microfinance
Cashless Microfinance
Musoni Delivers Banking Services by Way of Cellphones
Alternative Banking Loans
Alternative Banking Loans
The Hilltop Microfinance Initiative Helps in Low-Income Entrepreneurs
Urban Housing Banks
Urban Housing Banks
Jamii Bora is a Microfinance Institution Based in Nairobi, Kenya
Microfinancing Poverty Solutions
Microfinancing Poverty Solutions
Lumana Credit is Microlending to Rural Africans from Seattle
Cooperative Banks
Cooperative Banks
Rabobank is an Old Institution That Funds Sustainable Business
Global Microfinance Networks
Global Microfinance Networks
FINCA Provides Financial Services to Low-Income Entrepreneurs
Crafty Microfinance Blogs
Crafty Microfinance Blogs
Ahkun Takes a Different Approach with Local Artisans
Alternative Loan Products
Alternative Loan Products
Fair Finance Offers Affordable Banking to Urban Populations
Collateral-Free Microcredit
Collateral-Free Microcredit
Muhammad Yunus's Grameen Bank Has Revolutionized Finance
Social Advisory Firms
Social Advisory Firms
Intellecap is a ‘Think and Do' Tank With Market-Based Strategies
Social Entrepreneur Associations
Social Entrepreneur Associations
‘Ashoka: Innovators for the Public' is World-Changing
Youth-Oriented Finances
Youth-Oriented Finances
MyBnk Teaches Money Management and Entrepreneurial Skills
Inclusive Economic Development
Inclusive Economic Development
Aavishkaar Invests in Rural Communities Through Entrepreneurs
Microlending Credit Cards
Microlending Credit Cards
KivaB4B Doubles Grants
Ebay Ventures Into Microfinance
Ebay Ventures Into Microfinance
Microfinance Investing
Microfinance Investing Lets You Become a Banker to the Poor