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20 Ways to Brush Up on Grammar

Follow These Proper Principles to Be Ready for Back-to-School

— August 21, 2012 — Autos
Back-to-school is just around the corner, and those sleepy summer minds need to be awakened. Glancing through these grammar-oriented innovations will prepare any student for those long school days, and hopefully help with grades. In a world that often uses spelling and grammar checkers instead of self-edits, it is important to remind youth of the benefits of rereading work.

Sometimes the best way to get through to these young minds is to appeal to them. The online world has provided endless opportunities that meld learning and entertainment. For example, grammatically correct raps and grammatical video spoofs are hilarious and educational.

It is no wonder grammar aficionado groups, such as the Americans for Grammar, are implementing persuasive profane correction campaigns to have a greater impact on adolescents who are at a tender age of developing language skills.
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