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21 AT-AT-Inspired Finds

AT-AT Products From Elderly Walkers to Robotic Canine Cosplays

— April 26, 2013 — Pop Culture
AT-AT products come in all different adaptations and designs. The iconic assault vehicle from Star Wars that wreaked havoc on the big screen can also wreak havoc, in the best way possible, in the comfort of your own home.

Because the robotic vehicle is four-legged, it adapts very nicely into animal formations or pieces of furniture. Examples of this transition include cosplay for dogs and bedroom sets. Another example that takes advantage of the four-legged structure in a more humorous way, is converting an elderly walker into such.

Some of the other AT-AT products also include clever animation mash-ups with other elements of pop culture. A great example of this was done by crossing Super Mario's clothing with the deadly vehicle. I must say, the AT-AT looks a little more lovable in a Mario suit.
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