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32 Quirky Animal Coffee Cups

From Cute Canine Coffee Mugs to Giraffe-Inspired Mugs

— March 6, 2014 — Lifestyle
If you’re not a morning person, these adorable animal coffee cups are probably the most likely thing to bring a smile to your face before you’ve had your daily dose of java.

These cups take the shapes of a ton of different types of animals, from zoo critters to domestic pets, transforming handles, mug bottoms and even the insides of the cups themselves into new animal-integrated forms. These wacky designs will charm any coffee drinker, especially since the personalities of the animals definitely come though — do you find that you identify most with a jaded Grumpy Cat, a very happy panda or a shy rodent that peeps out from the inside of the coffee cup?
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DIY Zoological Mugs
DIY Zoological Mugs
Enjoy Your Favorite Drink from a Cow, Rooster or Rhino with Makedo Cup Animals
Monstrous Galactic Coffee Cups
Monstrous Galactic Coffee Cups
The Tiki Cthulhu Mug is Ideal for Sci-Fi Ava Junkies
Sea Creature Beverage Sleeves
Sea Creature Beverage Sleeves
The Grumpy Octopus Cup Cozy is for Grouchy Coffee Drinkers
Nimble Mini Mugs
Nimble Mini Mugs
The Squirrel Coffee Cup is the World's Smallest Coffee Cup
Nordic Wyvern Beer Steins
Nordic Wyvern Beer Steins
Celebrate Any Occasion by Drinking from Your Viking Dragon Mug
Bunny Mug Toppers
Bunny Mug Toppers
The Magic Hat Mug by GAMAGO References the Iconic Magicians Trick
Ferocious Fish Mugs
Ferocious Fish Mugs
The Piranha Coffee Mug Features a Deadly Underwater Creature
Bad-Tempered Kitty Holiday Mugs
Bad-Tempered Kitty Holiday Mugs
This Grumpy Cat Christmas Mug Says Ho Ho No to the Holidays
Squirrel-Sized Java Mugs (UPDATE)
Squirrel-Sized Java Mugs (UPDATE)
Here's Evidence that this Tiny Coffee Mug is Squirrel Compatible
Upside Down Doggie Mugs
Upside Down Doggie Mugs
The Pug Mug Will Bring a Smile to Your Face Upside Down or Right Side Up
Adorable Critter Cups
Adorable Critter Cups
These DIY Animal Mugs Will Make Drinking Beverages Much More Fun
Minimalist Gaming Cups
Minimalist Gaming Cups
The Pitfall Mugs are Ideal for Atari Fans
Covert Creature Mugs
Covert Creature Mugs
The Squirrel Attack Mug Give Coffee Drinkers an Unexpected Surprise
Giraffe-Inspired Mugs
Giraffe-Inspired Mugs
These Three-Legged Giraffe Cups are Cute and Hand Made
Face-Altering Mugs
Face-Altering Mugs
Change Your Face with These Funny Mugs From ZZKKO
Venomous Talk Show Mugs
Venomous Talk Show Mugs
Pour Yourself a Cup of Joe in Your Rattlesnake Coffee Mug
Mythical Steed Caffeine Holders
Mythical Steed Caffeine Holders
The Unicorn Coffee Mug Will Drive Away Your Morning Blues
Enchanting Christmas Cups
Enchanting Christmas Cups
Panera Bread Holiday Branding Celebrates the Symbols of Yuletide
Porcine Coffee Cups
Porcine Coffee Cups
The Pig Nose Mug Gives You a Snout Each Time You Sip
Revealing Zodiac Mugs
Revealing Zodiac Mugs
What Does Your Cup Say About You?
Scenic Glass Teaware
Scenic Glass Teaware
Chillichilly Tea Cups Represent Cat as Goldfish Preditor or Prey
Monstrous Coffee Mugs
Monstrous Coffee Mugs
The Creature Cup is the Best Way to Scare Yourself Awake in the Morning
Frowning Feline Mugs
Frowning Feline Mugs
The Grumpy Cat Mug is the Best Accompaniment For the Crabby Morning Type
Cute Canine Coffee Cups
Cute Canine Coffee Cups
Blue Witch Ceramics Makes Adorable Mutt Mugs
Whimsical Hipster Dishware
Whimsical Hipster Dishware
These Ceramic Hand-Painted Mugs by Asleep From Day are Gorgeous
Bitter Badger Meme Mugs
Bitter Badger Meme Mugs
The Corduroy Etsy Shop Exploits the Hilarious Honey Badger
Shark Week Mugs
Shark Week Mugs
Celebrate This Event with the Shark Attack Mug
Cute Canine Coffee Mugs
Cute Canine Coffee Mugs
The Pug Mug is an Adorable Way to Pay Tribute to this Miniature Dog
3D Zoo Animal Mugs
3D Zoo Animal Mugs
This Giraffe Mug is a Fun Way to Drink Your Morning Coffee
Beaming Bear Teacups
Beaming Bear Teacups
The Panda Smile Mug Brings a Dimple to Your Day
Iconic Coffee Cups
Iconic Coffee Cups
The Takkoda Mugs of Famous People Will Make You Laugh in the Morning
Brew-Bathing Beasts
Brew-Bathing Beasts
These Hidden Animal Teacups Make Tea for Two With One Cup