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25 Pieces of Alien Art

Extraterrestrial Artworks to Make You Look to the Sky and Wonder

— March 15, 2011 — Unique
Alien art is an ever-fascinating fixture in the human interest with UFOs, extraterrestrials and the overall possibility of intergalactic communication with life forms from another planet. The subject is quite heavy, and often leads to some deep, existential conversations--but alien art lightens the load a bit.

The intricacy and realistic approach taken by artists that create these amazing pieces of alien art is astounding. Looking at these pieces of alien art, I can't help but wonder if some artists have simply taken photographs of actual aliens and passed them off as computer-generated.

This alien art is not guaranteed to make you a believer, but I'm almost sure it will creep you out just a bit. Don't worry, alien art always comes in peace.
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Alien Finger-Print Art
Alien Finger-Print Art
Helene Jeudy Mixes Unique Drawings With Print
Immense Intergalactic Installations
Immense Intergalactic Installations
The VoltaDom is a Large, Alien-Inspired Art Piece
Alien Abduction Ads
Alien Abduction Ads
Leagas Delaney Creates Eye-Opening Ads for Lexum European Eye Clinic
Extraterrestrial Bonding Ads
Extraterrestrial Bonding Ads
SKY Campaign Blends Movie Aliens With Sports and Games
Cute Customizable Robots
Cute Customizable Robots
The DIY Paintable Android Figurine is the Perfect Geeky Craft
Fantasy Alien Marbles
Fantasy Alien Marbles
Sherry Bellamy's Glass Beads are Amazing
Black & White Alientography
Black & White Alientography
'Predator' by Martin Ravva Would Bring Arnold Outta Retirement
Mars Exploration Art
Mars Exploration Art
'Adrift on The Hourglass Sea' by Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick
Alien Growth Art
Alien Growth Art
The SOFTlab (n)arcissus Installation was Created for Node 10
Otherworldly Papercraft Projects
Otherworldly Papercraft Projects
DIY Alien Paper Toys Put the 'ET' in Entertainment
Artistic Alien Compassion
Artistic Alien Compassion
Sympathetic Other-Worldly Creatures by Russian Artist Dmitry Maximov
Alien Portraits
Alien Portraits
Cogliantry's 'Roswell' Series is Fine Art with a Touch of 'X-Files'
Surreal Oil Paintings
Surreal Oil Paintings
The Wild Works of Jordan Kasey are Creatively Unique
Urban Alien Art
Urban Alien Art
Cris­t­ian Elizalde Paints Peaceful Park-Dwelling Aliens
Alien Landscape Photography
Alien Landscape Photography
The Another California Series is Extraordinarily Extraterrestrial
Scary Listening Promos
Scary Listening Promos
BBC Radio Science Fiction Ad Scares You Into Listening
Alien Light Shows
Alien Light Shows
The Crystal Monster LED Light Installation is Creepy Crawly
Unnerving Alien Art
Unnerving Alien Art
The Aorta 'Tellus Tells' Series is an Emotional UFO-Inspired Work
Retro Gamer Graffiti
Retro Gamer Graffiti
The Space Invaders Mosaic is Aiming for World Domination
Disturbing Alien Constructs
Disturbing Alien Constructs
Wondrous and Creepy Sculptures by Renee Adams
Dark Alienesque Artography
Dark Alienesque Artography
Nick Knight and Gareth Pugh's Berlin 2010 Exhibit
Freaky Photoshopped Aliens
Freaky Photoshopped Aliens
Worth1000 Contest Explores the Possibilities of Extraterrestrial Life
Alien Ink
Alien Ink
These Extraterrestrial Tattoos Are Out of This World
Terrestrial Aliens
Terrestrial Aliens
10 Bizarre Animal Species