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20 AI Manufacturing Systems

From Robot-Crafted Concrete Molds to AI Co-Created Cars

— November 11, 2016 — Tech
Ever since the dawn of the industrial revolution, manufacturing has been steadily moving towards mechanic automation, but today's AI manufacturing processes show just how far the field has come. In a merger of both computer technology and industrial mechanics, more aspects of the manufacturing world can be left to robots and artificially intelligent software -- impressing even the most hardcore Luddites.

While the use of any robot in a manufacturing system requires at least a degree of artificial intelligence (in the strictest definition of the phrase), some systems are impressive because of the robots and others because of the software. For instance, Sewbo's garment-sewing robots use a unique process of hardening shirts in order to tailor them, a process most interesting because of its physical technique. On the other hand, the 'Hack Rod' car is manufactured with standard systems but designed by AI software.
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