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23 Adorable Drink Sleeves

From Cozy Teacup Sweaters to Crocheted Creature Cozies

— February 8, 2014 — Lifestyle
These adorable drink sleeves are perfect for any coffee or tea drinker looking to keep their hands clear of any spills or burns.

While drinking a hot beverage is definitely a great way to warm up during those cold, winter months, sometimes holding them can just be too much for your sensitive hands. Drink sleeves and cozies offer individuals a practical way to enjoy their drinks without the hot sensation translating to their hands. Instead of opting for the simple, paper sleeve, why not choose one that adds humor and personality to the process? These adorable cozies have incorporated designs that resemble such features as clothing, video game characters and animals, adding an eclectic appearance to your otherwise ordinary drinks.

Perfect for those interested in standing out from the crowd, these adorable drink sleeves will definitely add charm to any hot beverage.
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Blunt Booze Sleeves
Blunt Booze Sleeves
ESPO Beer Cozies Show Honest Messages About Drinking
Booze Sweaters
Booze Sweaters
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Stretchy Sweater Drink Holders
This DIY Sweater Coffee Sleeve is Perfect for Holding Hot Beverages
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Retro Gamer Beer Covers
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Knitted Bottle Cozies
Knitted Bottle Cozies
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Malt Liquor Cozies
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'Bringing a Little Class to the Front Porch'
Cozy Teacup Sweaters
Cozy Teacup Sweaters
These Adorable Mug Cozy Sweaters Keep Tea Toasty in the Winter
Score-Keeping Booze Sleeves
Score-Keeping Booze Sleeves
Drink & Keep Tabs on the Game with the Scorzie
Whiskered Leather Cup Sleeves
Whiskered Leather Cup Sleeves
Keep the Beer Cold With the Wheelmen Goldman Koozie
Arcade-Inspired Coffee Sleeves
Arcade-Inspired Coffee Sleeves
The Power Cozy is the Perfect Item for Any Geeky Gamer
Crocheted Creature Cozies
Crocheted Creature Cozies
The Handamade Etsy Shop is Full of Nifty Knits
Slithering Java Corsets
Slithering Java Corsets
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Wool Holiday Champagne Sleeves
Wool Holiday Champagne Sleeves
The Ugly Christmas Sweater Wine Bottle Sweaters Are Hilarious
Zip-Up Cup Pockets
Zip-Up Cup Pockets
The Cuft Sleeve is an Eco Solution for Comfy Clasping and Coin-Carrying
Knit Coffee Holders
Knit Coffee Holders
Cuptopus Coffee Sleeve Makes Mornings Way More Ridiculous
Bloated Bubbling Cups
Bloated Bubbling Cups
Scott Amron's Heatswell Coffee Cup Seems Like an Alien Experiment
Bottle-Holding Hand Cozies
Bottle-Holding Hand Cozies
The Knit Glove Drink Holder Protects Fingers from Freezing
Sleeveless Coffee Cups
Sleeveless Coffee Cups
Salih Kucukaga Designs Beverage Holders that are Innately Heat Resistant
Portable Mason Jar Sleeves
Portable Mason Jar Sleeves
The Chug-a-Lug Leather Cosy Will Turn Your Jar into a Portable Cup
Bundled Bottle Branding
Bundled Bottle Branding
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Opinionated Mug Huggers
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Sassy Coffee Sleeves
Sassy Coffee Sleeves
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