From Chastity Bras to Virgin School
Brian G Randles — November 22, 2009 — Naughty
Some people feel that it is best to wait until after marriage to have sex. I am in no way picking a side on this subject, I say do whatever best floats your boat, even if it is in a motionless ocean.
From chastity bras to virgin schools, check out the 20 abstaining innovations which keep you pure as the driven snow.
Implications - The purity of abstinence is a theme that certain brands have taken on to promote a more friendly product. Sensual themes are often used as a strategy by the fashion industry, which isn't always attractive to everyone. The promotion of family-friendly images can help consumers feel closer to brands that push the idea of comfortable fashion that doesn't require you to feel self conscious about how you look.
From chastity bras to virgin schools, check out the 20 abstaining innovations which keep you pure as the driven snow.
Implications - The purity of abstinence is a theme that certain brands have taken on to promote a more friendly product. Sensual themes are often used as a strategy by the fashion industry, which isn't always attractive to everyone. The promotion of family-friendly images can help consumers feel closer to brands that push the idea of comfortable fashion that doesn't require you to feel self conscious about how you look.