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39 Smartphone Camera Accessories

These Camera Phone Add-Ons Pay Tribute to the new Apple iOS 7.1

— March 11, 2014 — Tech
Smartphone cameras have become one of the selling points and most important parts of modern smartphones and with Apple iOS 7.1 having been recently released with a host of tweaks, bug fixes and upgrades, the camera becomes even more important.

While the camera isn't the first thing we will see when we see the list of changes and updates, there was definitely a change. There has been a new auto HDR (high dynamic range) function which will help with getting accurate shots of bright objects.

This new change brings relevance to accessories and add-ons for phones and if you're an iPhone user, there hasn't been a better time to invest in some tech for your smartphone camera. Apple has made capturing beautiful pictures easier again and with these accessories, it can only get better.
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Video-Streaming Smart Mirrors
Video-Streaming Smart Mirrors
The Nissan Smart Rearview Mirror Gives a Better Perspective
Portable Scanner Phone Apps
Portable Scanner Phone Apps
The CamScanner App is an On-the-Go Scanner for Phones
Smartphone Strap Lighting Cases
Smartphone Strap Lighting Cases
The Lightstrap Smartphone Case Has a Flash and Video Strap
Smartphone Camera Converters
Smartphone Camera Converters
Snap Photos with the Realistic Bitplay Snap! Accessory
Smartphone Lighting Studios
Smartphone Lighting Studios
The Kick iPhone Camera Light Brightens Up Photos
Wireless App-Controlled Cameras
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The Simplicam WiFi Camera Was Revealed at 2014 CES
DSLR-Capturing Phone Cases
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The Ladibird iPhone Camera Case Was Revealed at 2014 CES
Bluetooth Phone Camera Remotes
Bluetooth Phone Camera Remotes
Take iPhone Photos Hands-Free with This Bluetooth Phone Remote
Camera-Enabled Smartphone Cases
Camera-Enabled Smartphone Cases
The BRIC+ Productivity Case is an iPhone Camera Case
Thermal Vision Apps
Thermal Vision Apps
The FLIR One is a Personal Vision App
Sleek Camera Lens Lighting
Sleek Camera Lens Lighting
The iSpot Table Lamp by Michael Samoriz Also Charges Smartphones
Smartphone Camera Rigs
Smartphone Camera Rigs
The Owle Bulbo is Designed for iPhone Movie Makers
Flexible Smartphone Cameras
Flexible Smartphone Cameras
The OPPO N1 Smartphone Packs a Rotating Camera Perfect for Selfies
Night Vision Infant Cameras
Night Vision Infant Cameras
The D-Link Night Vision Camera Monitors Babies Sleeping
Remote Rotational Cameras
Remote Rotational Cameras
The Motrr Galileo is a Fully Rotational iPhone Camera Platform
Attachable Smartphone Lenses
Attachable Smartphone Lenses
The Moment Cameras Attach to Smartphone to Improve Picture Quality
Tiny Telescopic Phone Kits
Tiny Telescopic Phone Kits
Zoom In 9X Closer With This Tiny Telescope for Phone Cameras
Portable Photo Studios
Portable Photo Studios
The Modahaus Table Top is Set-up for iPhone Jewelry Photography
Media-Inspired Mobile Add-Ons
Media-Inspired Mobile Add-Ons
The Paparazzo iPhone Camera Flash Improves Picture Quality
Photo-Converting Cameras
Photo-Converting Cameras
The iPhone-to-Polaroid Converted Changes Digital Images to Polaroids
Mini Telescopic Phone Accessories
Mini Telescopic Phone Accessories
This iPhone Telescope Lets You Take 20 Times Zoomed Photos
Selfie-Assisting Attachments
Selfie-Assisting Attachments
The Cellfie is a Portable Smartphone Shutter
Stabilizing Smartphone Cameras
Stabilizing Smartphone Cameras
‘The Picosteady’ Camera Stabilizer Cures the a Shaky Ha
Mountable Microscope Adapters
Mountable Microscope Adapters
The Magnifi iPhone Photoadapter Case Connects to Optical Instruments
Night Vision Smartphone Cases
Night Vision Smartphone Cases
The FLIR One iPhone Case Debuted at CES 2014 & Navigates the Dark
Luxury Smartphone Camera Cases
Luxury Smartphone Camera Cases
The Leica i9 is Designed for iPhone Shutterbugs
Smartphone Video Attachments
Smartphone Video Attachments
The Kogeto Dot Accessory Provides 360-Degree Panoramic View
Panoramic iPhone Cameras
Panoramic iPhone Cameras
The GoPano Micro Takes a 360-Degree Picture of Your Surroundings
Mega-Zoom Phone Adapters
Mega-Zoom Phone Adapters
The Meopta MeoPIx iScoping iPhone Camera Adapter Turns Phones into DSLRs
Peering Periscope Phone Gadgets
Peering Periscope Phone Gadgets
The ‘Magnetically Attaching Periscope’ Phone Lens is
Automated Selfie Remotes
Automated Selfie Remotes
The Smartphone Camera Remote Frames Perfect Selfie Pictures
iPhone Camera Covers
iPhone Camera Covers
The HipstaCase for iPhone 4 is Inspired by 80s Toy Cams
Handy Headphone Photography
Handy Headphone Photography
The iPhone Camera Mic App Snaps Pics on Contact
Retro Smartphone Video Cameras
Retro Smartphone Video Cameras
Slow Photography Lets You Take Photos like Its 1959
Hybrid Smartphone Camera Concepts
Hybrid Smartphone Camera Concepts
The Rishi Soman iLens Concept Design Promises Sleek Photography
Intrinsic Camera Phone Attachments
Intrinsic Camera Phone Attachments
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Smartphone Photo Handles
Smartphone Photo Handles
The Belkin iPhone Shutter Grip Provides a Steadying Ergonomic Handhold
Stealthy Snapshot Cameras
Stealthy Snapshot Cameras
The Slyphone Camera Periscope Lets You Take Photos Without Looking Up
Heavy Metal iPhone Cases
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Factron Metal Gear Cases for iPhone and iPad are Badass
Rotating Smartphone Accessories
Rotating Smartphone Accessories
The iPhone Lens Dial Enhances Cellphone Camera Capabilities