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27 Print Media Killers

— July 24, 2008 — Pop Culture
The print media industry is hurting, but as most magazines and newspapers struggle to survive, a select few are innovating to keep ahead.

Over the last few years, Trend Hunter Magazine, who has chosen to publish in an all digital format, has seen the closure of magazines like Business 2.0, expensive marketing campaigns like printing quadruple covers for a single magazine issue, and the move to offering entirely free issues by publications like Wired magazine.

The internet has become the predominant source of information for most people in the western world, making the content in newspapers and magazines stale and outdated. When September 11 happened, everyone knew long before the September 12 newspaper made it to their front door, thanks to broadcast media like TV and radio, and the large supplementation of citizen journalism on the web.

Another factor contributing to the fall of print is the unethical environmental havoc it wreaks due to the need to cut down trees.

Worse, advertisers have realized they get far more views on the internet, so many have abandoned the spaces they once occupied in magazines and newspapers all together.

How will print media publications continue to make money? Is there even a possibility of them surviving? Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, here's a look at some of the print media innovations and news items posted on Trend Hunter.
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Endangered Print Media
Endangered Print Media
The End of the Newspaper? (Follow-Up)
Politicians in Gossip Magazines
Politicians in Gossip Magazines
Publications Shift Their Focus
Interactive Digital Fiction
Interactive Digital Fiction
Penguin's We Tell Stories
Print Media Endangered (Follow Up)
Print Media Endangered (Follow Up)
Business 2.0 Closes
Designers Embrace Blogs
Designers Embrace Blogs
Oscar de la Renta joins Chanel, Gucci
Inviting Bloggers to Boost Exposure
Inviting Bloggers to Boost Exposure
Sony Foam City
Free Textbooks
Free Textbooks
Sponsored Ads Help Students
Wired Gives Out Free Magazines
Free Trips for Bloggers
Free Trips for Bloggers
International Invites
Innovative Magazines To Compete With New Media
Innovative Magazines To Compete With New Media
'Missbehave' Has Attitude
If Men Edited GLAMOUR
If Men Edited GLAMOUR
GQ Does Women's Mag
Dual Cover Duels
Dual Cover Duels
Carrie or Charlotte? for Marie Claire
German Magazine Marketing
German Magazine Marketing
Fairytale Campaign
Free Digital Newspapers
Free Digital Newspapers
Earth Day Initiative Saves Trees
GM Invites Trend Hunter To Detroit
GM Invites Trend Hunter To Detroit
Embracing The Power Of Blogs
Scent Marketing
Scent Marketing
Cake Scented Newspaper
Death of Paper Magazines
Death of Paper Magazines
Life Magazine Shuts Down
Bloggers Go Behind-The-Seams
Bloggers Go Behind-The-Seams
Chanel Viral Marketing
Controversial Fashion Parodies
Controversial Fashion Parodies
Vogue Cover Spoofed
Quadruple Magazine Covers II
Quadruple Magazine Covers II
reFRESH 50th Edition
Magazine Cover Battles
Magazine Cover Battles
Batman vs Joker on Empire
FHM US Bites the Dust
FHM US Bites the Dust
Americans Say no to Strategic Nudity?
Rolling Stone Magazine Now Free
Rolling Stone Magazine Now Free
Entire Issue Available Online
Free Magazines 3
Free Magazines 3
V Magazine Goes Digital, FREE
Ethnic Cover Models
Ethnic Cover Models
All-Black Italian Vogue Revealed
You on a Magazine Cover
You on a Magazine Cover
American Media Embraces Nudism
American Media Embraces Nudism
V Magazine's Naked-Model Spread