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26 Fascinating Nature Studies

— December 26, 2008 — Tech
There are no age or cultural boundaries when it comes to studying nature. It can be done simply by taking a walk through the park, observing insects and plants in different seasons, or even just staring at the sky. 

However, thanks to modern technology, we are able to see nature in ways like never before. Macro, micro, x-ray and slow motion photography have brought us many incredible images of insects and birds. So advanced are some means of capturing nature in action that we can even watch trees mating and see the temperature variations of the sun.

Whatever your personal fascination with nature is, whether its the technological side or the beauty found in nature through photographs, you’re sure to find something you’ll fancy in one of the many great Trend Hunter nature articles below.
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Glowing Mushrooms
Glowing Mushrooms
Found in Brazil
Nature Time-Lapse
Nature Time-Lapse
Starfish Walking
First Hi-Def Pics of Earthrise from the Moon taken by Japanese Spacecraft
First Hi-Def Pics of Earthrise from the Moon taken by Japanese Spacecraft
Gladiator Arachnids
Gladiator Arachnids
Net Casting Spider Hunts Like Humans
NASA Releases Stunning Sun Images
Big Cat Bonding
Big Cat Bonding
The Lion Whisperer
Personified Trees With Eyes
Personified Trees With Eyes
Voyeurs in Nature
Big Cats That Love Water
Big Cats That Love Water
White Bengal Tiger Dives for Food
High-Speed X-Ray Photography
High-Speed X-Ray Photography
Hummingbirds Exposed on ‘Time Warp'
Medusa-Inspired Photography
Medusa-Inspired Photography
Two-Headed Snake Stills
Rare Animals Captured on Film
Rare Animals Captured on Film
First African Okapi Photos
Insect Macro Photography
Insect Macro Photography
Beautiful Dragonfly Closeups
Macro Snow Crystal Photography
Macro Snow Crystal Photography
Photomicroscope Images Make Snow Look Cool
Natural Phenomena Photography
Natural Phenomena Photography
'Punch Hole Clouds' Make Fascinating Art Subjects
Nature Closeups
Nature Closeups
Dewdrop Macro Photography
Hurricane HDR
Hurricane HDR
Hurricane Ike Inspired Photography
Satellite-Aided Nature Discoveries
Satellite-Aided Nature Discoveries
What You Discover on Google Earth Could Kill You
Northern Lights Timelapse + Flickr Photos
Northern Lights Timelapse + Flickr Photos
Nature Photobsession
Nature Photobsession
National Geographic Best Wild Animal Photos of 2008
Bizarre Environmental Adaptations
Bizarre Environmental Adaptations
Deformed Amphibians on the Rise
Tree Porn
Tree Porn
Greenpeace Gets Sensual With 'Forest Love'
Macromazing Photography
Macromazing Photography
Incredible Insect Closeups
Jellyfish Mania
Jellyfish Mania
100 Foot Long Giant Jellyfish Discovered + Jellyfish Ice Cream and Robots
Pareidolia Photography
Pareidolia Photography
Mother Nature's Practical Jokes
Bird-Eating Spiders
Bird-Eating Spiders
Australia's Giant Golden Orb Weaver