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Sandra Winn

Freelance Writer and Home Educator
Pensacola, FL
Member Since
Aug 2008
Sandra Winn is freelance writer and independent writing contractor but first and foremost a wife, and home educator of her two children who lives in Pensacola, FL...home to white sandy beaches, the crisp waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and the Blue Angels.

Sandy, as her loved ones and friends know, has a passion for family, life, nature, science, and history. In July of 2008, Sandy was asked by an editor of the Pensacola News Journal to write an article regarding free fun things to do in the local area. Her article, Seven Free Days of Family Fun , was run as a 3/4 of a page article in the Pensacola News Journal.

In her free time, Sandy enjoys spending time with her husband, Donnie, of nineteen years and their two children, ages 13 and 16 by walking, playing board and video games, going to the beach, camping, visiting friends, and everything else life has to offer.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I'm really into natural and alternative health remedies. Colloidal Silver, honey, cider vinegar, garlic, cayenne powder, and Sambucol are just a few items that you'll find in my cupboards at any given time. Doctors, over-the-counter and prescription medications, are used as a last resort in our home.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
My children are not out of the house but, thus far, they are turning out to be wonderful individuals who are free-thinking, kind, considerate, respectful, passionate, intelligent, and independent--it's my favorite accomplishment because nothing is more important to me, as a parent, than raising children who will contribute to society in a positive way.
How do you define cool?
"Cool" is a term with many meanings and often depends on the mindset of the individual. What's cool to one person, may not be for another. For instance, some may find the latest techno-gadget "cool", whereas another would say such a person is a geek for thinking it's "cool"--and we all know that many think geeks are "uncool". See? It's all in the mindset.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
My secret for uncovering trends is to weed through the plethora of all sorts of websites, from popular to unpopular and everything in-between, as well as take note of my surroundings off the web. Although some of my finds do not have thousands of views, some of them are my favorites because they are not mainstream trends, as of yet, which I think is the whole point of trend-spotting--finding "cool" before it becomes "cool."
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
The supportive and encouraging community is what I enjoy most about Trend Hunter. Writer's at Trend Hunter come from all over the world and, despite the fact that many of them are young, the level of maturity and intelligence is amazing. Not only that but Jeremy, Bianca, Jacob, and Marissa are awesome--even though Jeremy is the founder of TH and the others are employees, they are not "above" helping anyone. Whether I've partaken in a fun, "I need advice on writing" or serious discussion, the members of Trend Hunter have offered amazing advice and I consider a few to be more than just acquaintances--they are friends.
What is your favorite trend?
Oh gracious, only one favorite trend? But I have so many--I'll pick one of my own plus another member. I'm a home schooling mother who embraces the philosophy of children learning in freedom, my favorite trend is the article I wrote about unschooling. As far as a favorite written by another member, I love all the green trend finds written on Trend Hunter but my ultimate favorite was written by Lourdes Sanchez on cob houses.
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
The best tip on writing a juicy post at Trend Hunter is to find at least ten saucy pictures related to the article and include words such as naughty, naked, sex, hot and more. If you're still unsure, study Ayman Helweh's portfolio because he is an amazing writer with a high view count. Reading through Helweh's Trend Hunter portfolio is like getting a college course on juicy article writing--and it's free to boot!
How do you reset to be creative?
I take a break from writing when I need to reset to become creative; sometimes short and other times long--I'm on a long one as of now.
What inspires or excites you?
Shifts towards green living, alternative healing, relaxed and gentle parenting, a wider acceptance of all humans despite their sexual orientation or race, and changes to how we view 'education' inspire me.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
I predict a major shift in the area of education by 2020. More parents will be home schooling worldwide and even within the public education system, learning will become child-led. Grades, SATs, ACTs and state proficiency exams will be a thing of the past and getting into college will be based more on passions and entrance made possible with a portfolio highlighting one's personal accomplishments
Love-Without-Sex Dating Sites
Love-Without-Sex Dating Sites
Laura Brashier's 2date4love is for Those Who Cannot Have Intercourse
'2date4love', a dating site created by cancer survivor Laura Brashier, offers hope to those seeking love without sex. Her idea stemmed from her real-life battle with cervical cancer and how the treatment… MORE
Lying Down Web Games
Lying Down Web Games
Planking is the Latest Internet Dare Craze
Planking, or the lying down game, has increased in popularity among people of all ages on the Internet. The idea is to lie as stiff as a board on a public surface of your choice, snap a picture and share… MORE
Facial Hair Sculptures
Facial Hair Sculptures
Creative Facescaping at the 2011 Beard and Moustache Competition
We’ve seen no shortgage of unique facial hair creations over the years, but a moose and flag beard is truly unique. Any man can grow a beard, but not all can have them crafted into unique pieces of art.… MORE
Orphaned Footwear Ads
Orphaned Footwear Ads
The Reason for Missing Socks is Explained in the GE L.O.S.S. Campaign
The GE Missing Sock Campaign ads for L.O.S.S. (Laundered and Orphaned Sock Society) have discovered the solution as to why our socks go missing. Considering humankind has pondered this question for decades,… MORE
Real-Life Vampires
Real-Life Vampires
Vampire Woman's Mega Body Transformations Include Horns, Tats and Piercings
Maria Jose Cristerna, also known as Vampire Woman, doesn't need to sparkle in the sunshine to be noticed by human beings. Why? Because her titanium horn implants, body piercings, fanged-tooth implants,… MORE
Monogrammed Weatherproof Boots
Monogrammed Weatherproof Boots
You'll Be Singing in the Rain With Zoubaby Galoshes
You'll be "singing in the rain" when sporting these sleek Monogrammed Zoubaby Boots. Though slender and stylish, they're designed in the traditional rubber overshoe fashion. And, because they're lined… MORE
Super-Sized Home Lighting
Super-Sized Home Lighting
LM Studio's Extra Large Floor and Suspension Lamps
Super-sized home lighting is a great option for those who prefer larger than life decor similar to that of LM Studio. The extra-large floor and suspension lamps featured were designed by Matthieu Ongena… MORE
Anti-Bullying Dessert Campaigns
Anti-Bullying Dessert Campaigns
Teen Jaylan Williams Bakes These Chunkie Character Chips Cookies
This wonderful idea for an anti-bullying dessert campaign using Chunkie ‘Character Chip’ Cookies comes from Jaylan Williams of Pensacola, Florida, a teen entrepreneur and the founder of Chunkie Chips Cookies.… MORE
Modern Superhero Makeovers
Modern Superhero Makeovers
See Adrianne Palicki in the New Wonder Woman Costume
The anticipation is finally over, as a photo of sexy Adrianne Palicki in the new Wonder Woman costume has been released. There have been a few changes since Lynda Carter rocked the Wonder Woman suit in… MORE
Tabletop Gadget Organizers
Tabletop Gadget Organizers
The Polyply Stand is an Artsy Way to Store Your iToys Neatly
When viewing pictures of designer Andrew Kim’s Polyply Stand for multiple iGadgets, I couldn’t help but think, “Is it electronic art decor or a cool tabletop organizer?” Actually, it could be both. The… MORE
EV-Charging Vending Machines
EV-Charging Vending Machines
Quench Your Thirst and Electronic Vehicle in One Stop
Soon to be made reality in Japan, EV-charging vending machines will allow drivers to quench their thirst and electronic vehicles in one fell, eco-friendly swoop. Can you imagine the possibility of these… MORE
Stylish Pump Protectors
Stylish Pump Protectors
Starlettos Save Your Stilettos From Outdoor Wear and Tear
Starlettos save your stilettos from outdoor wear and tear. The idea for these stylish pump protectors came from self-described shoe fanatic, Ilde Naismith-Beeley of Sydney, Australia. We’ve all dealt… MORE
Viral Dance Remixes
Viral Dance Remixes
LMFAO Party Rock Anthem Video Encourages the American Shuffle
The viral LMFAO Party Rock Anthem video by Lauren Bennet and Goonrock is taking America by storm. We all know how popular Melbourne Shuffle videos are across YouTube and now residents of the USA are encouraged… MORE
Eco-Friendly Wicker Comfort
Eco-Friendly Wicker Comfort
Rest in Style with the Iglu Apple Daybed by Skyline
This gorgeous, eco-friendly Iglu Apple Daybed by Skyline is the perfect piece of outdoor furniture to envision yourself in with the warm months ahead. You need not worry yourself about the spring rains… MORE
Muddy Nudetorials
Muddy Nudetorials
Topless Heidi Klum for Allure Magazine
In Allure Magazine's April 2010 issue, one thing you'll be seeing is a topless Heidi Klum. Photographed by Michael Thompson, the modern day goddess is featured with her breasts slathered in mud while donning… MORE
Virtual Fashion Opinions
Virtual Fashion Opinions
'Go Try It On' Members Tell You if Your Butt Looks Fat
Thanks to the newly launched social website Go Try it On, husbands and boyfriends can rejoice because they'll no longer have to risk a slap on the face or the ever-present stink-eye for giving their answer… MORE
Eco Menstrual Innovations
Eco Menstrual Innovations
Diva Cup Gives Pads and Tampons the Green Boot
Going green during that red time of month is now easier than ever with the Diva Cup. Menstrual cups were used long ago before disposable sanitary pads and tampons entered the picture but they’re back and… MORE
Glamorizing Diverse Body Types
Glamorizing Diverse Body Types
Plus Size Models Galore Appear in Glamour Magazine's October Issue
With positive reviews of its September issue still fresh in everyone’s mind, Glamour Magazine will feature eight nude and beautiful plus-size models in their October 2009 issue. Glamour Magazine really… MORE
Sexy Bailout Progams
Sexy Bailout Progams
Monthly Lingerie to Give Away One Million Free Panties
Giveaways can be found anywhere on the internet but I’ve never run across one this huge before. Intimonth LLC, owner of ‘,’ has announced their “One Million Free Panties” giveaway at… MORE
Fear-Based Facebook Groups
Fear-Based Facebook Groups
Viewers Terrified of Swedish Model in Apoliva Commercial
100,000 viewers who saw Swedish Supermodel Adina Fohlin in an Apoliva commercial were so terrified that they joined the “I am scared of the girl in the Apoliva commercial” (“Jag är rädd för tjejen i Apolivareklamen”)… MORE
Publicized Sex Changes
Publicized Sex Changes
Chastity Bono to Have Gender Alteration Operation
Sonny and Cher’s daughter, Chastity Bono, made the decision to have a sex change operation and went public with the announcement yesterday. Chastity “Chaz” Bono has yet to undergo sex-reassignment surgery… MORE
Pop-Up Chapels
Pop-Up Chapels
First Ever Pop-up Wedding Shop
The Wedding Library and Brooklyn Bride are presenting an awesome and unique event for those looking to tie-the-knot with their loved one this June—the “first-ever” Brooklyn Pop-up Wedding Shop at 303Grand!… MORE
Vampire Hysteria
Vampire Hysteria
Fans React to New Moon Trailer Like Those Who Saw The Beatles in Real Life
If you’ve ever seen footage of Beatles fans going hysterical when they saw the foursome in real life and thought those fans were insane, wait until you see these YouTube reactions to The ‘New Moon’  trailer. … MORE
Mega Goggles
Mega Goggles
Super Duper Fly Sunglasses by Stevie Boi Look Like Lab Glasses
Outrageous big styles, from hair to shoes and glasses, are currently being seen on and off the runway and these babies take the cake! When I first saw this collection of Super-Duper-Fly sunglasses by Stevie… MORE
Celebs as Personal Stylists
Celebs as Personal Stylists
Kim Kardashian Helps You Find Footwear at ShoeDazzle
Shoe fashionistas may find themselves in love with Kim Kardashian’s ‘ShoeDazzle’ website where you are assigned a personal shoe stylist and a new pair of shoes each month for $39 once you sign up for a… MORE
Food-Stained Fashion
Food-Stained Fashion
Megan Fox and Shia Lebouf Don Grubby Clothes at Premiere
Yesterday it was a sexy purple dress, today it is Megan Fox’s black dress that she wore at the ‘Transformers 2’ premiere in Seoul, Korea dominating search engines. While the buzz is over Megan Fox’s… MORE
Pinup Girl Yourself
Pinup Girl Yourself
Transform Yourself Into a Boudoir Wife for Your Special Man
Instead of giving your husband a tie for Father’s Day, ignite the passion that made you parents in the first place by giving him naughty boudoir photos of yourself. Boudoir photo shoots are all the rage… MORE
11-Year-Old College Grads
11-Year-Old College Grads
Wunderkind Moshe Kai Cavalin Finishes Community College
While most of his peers endured their fifth-grade graduation this week, 11-year-old Moshe Kai Cavalin graduated from East Los Angeles Community College—with a 4.0 GPA to boot! According to the Chicago… MORE
Teen Idol Parodies
Teen Idol Parodies
Joe Jonas Dances to 'Single Ladies' by Beyonce
Watching teen heartthrob Joe Jonas dancing to ‘Single Ladies’ by Beyonce in this YouTube video was enjoyable. It appears he promised the fans that he would do this for week two of their countdown for the… MORE
Reality Mom Paparazzi
Reality Mom Paparazzi
Kate Gosselin Gets Media Attention in Tiny Beach Bikini
These photos of Kate Gosselin in a bikini are buzzing all over the internet. The reality star mom of 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' was photographed by paparazzi sporting a sexy tangerine, red and black bikini,… MORE
Twilight Cast Signs Footstool for the David Suzuki Foundation
‘Twilight’ cast members Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed autographed this beautiful ottoman for Urban Barn’s Charity Auction to benefit the David Suzuki Foundation. The functional footstool… MORE
Reality Mom Spats
Reality Mom Spats
Octomom Attacks Kate Gosselin For Being “Desperate for Attention”
In a Radar Online “World Exclusive” interview, Octomom Nadya Suleman, said, “Kate Gosselin is desperate for attention.” Ding, ding. Could this signal round one of what could turn into a reality mom brew-ha-ha?… MORE
Comparing Actors to Prostitutes
Comparing Actors to Prostitutes
Megan Fox Speaks Her Mind in British GQ to Spark Media Attention
‘Transformers 2’ starlet Megan Fox is hotter than ever on the cover of British GQ’s July 2009 issue. Mega Fox looks like a stunning, sex goddess with her long, wavy locks, black stilettos and a sexy black… MORE
Hidden Kitchens
Hidden Kitchens
Troy Adams Design's Concept Keeps Appliances Under Cover
The gallery shows Troy Adams Design’s amazing futuristic concept for a “kitchen within a kitchen.” Actually, you’d hardly know a kitchen even existed because it’s hidden. Think you’re seeing a simple… MORE
Cupcake Garbage Cans
Cupcake Garbage Cans
Disposable Waste Baskets Made of Recycled Paper
This cool, eco-friendly product, a disposable waste paper basket, was created by designers Riccardo Nannini, Domenico Orefice and Emanuele Pizzolorussilan from recycled paper. The disposable waste paper… MORE
Unbanning Breast Photos
Unbanning Breast Photos
Cancer Victim Wins Right to Bare Mastectomy Scar on Facebook
Facebook lifted its breast photo ban on Sharon Adams, a breast cancer victim who posted pictures of her mastectomy for her friends and family only to have the pictures removed, losing the right to display… MORE

Featured Ideas

Post-Pregnancy Comebacks
Post-Pregnancy Comebacks
Christina Aguilera at Africa Rising Festival
Though absent of the drama surrounding the comeback of Britney Spears, millions of music fans are thrilled to see Christina Aguilera back and singing again. Aguilera arrived at the charity drive for Africa… MORE
Plane Routes As Art
Plane Routes As Art
Air Lines
Each and every day, thousands of passenger jet planes traverse the world’s sky. Now their routes have been turned into an art project called Air Lines. Air Lines art depicts the destination and arrival… MORE
EV-Charging Vending Machines
EV-Charging Vending Machines
Quench Your Thirst and Electronic Vehicle in One Stop
Soon to be made reality in Japan, EV-charging vending machines will allow drivers to quench their thirst and electronic vehicles in one fell, eco-friendly swoop. Can you imagine the possibility of these… MORE
Ancient Egyptian Facial Reconstructions
Ancient Egyptian Facial Reconstructions
3D Image Technology Shows Cleopatra Was Beautiful
Egyptologist Sally Ann Ashton created what she believes is the closest likeness to Cleopatra, according to the UK’s Daily Mail. She achieved the results you see in the gallery here using 3D image technology.… MORE
Illuminated Fragrance Ads
Illuminated Fragrance Ads
‘Sunkissed Glow' Perfume by JLo Sells With Sensuality
This illuminated perfume print ad for ‘Sunkissed Glow’ perfume by JLo, is reminiscent of the starlet’s earlier days. Jennifer Lopez has always been sexy but she’s lost a bit of her spunk over the years—this… MORE
Innovative Gingerbread Architecture
Innovative Gingerbread Architecture
2008 National Gingerbread House Championships
Creations from the 2008 National Gingerbread House Championships may be edible, but who would want to eat them? Many are simply too exquisite and too grand for consumption, not to mention the hours of… MORE
Used Tissues for Charity
Used Tissues for Charity
Scarlett Johansson Auctions Germy Snot-Rag on eBay
During a guest appearance the other night on Jay Leno, actress Scarlett Johansson blew her nose. Her used tissue is now up for auction on eBay.  At the time of this article, bids for Scarlett Johansson’s… MORE
$18.5 Million Mega-Gifts
$18.5 Million Mega-Gifts
Naomi Campbell's Sao Palo Penthouse
I'd be flashing a big hearty smile too! The New York Post reported on August 28, 2008, that Super Model, Naomi Campbell’s Russian Billionaire beau, Vladimir Doronin, bought her an $18.5M penthouse apartment… MORE
Erotic Dancersizing
Erotic Dancersizing
Get Sexy with Flirty Girls Fitness DVDs
Flirty Girls Fitness DVDs have created quite a buzz recently, no doubt due to the upcoming New Year's resolutions to get fit in 2009. Pole dancing, chair dancing, booty dancing, and dancing with stripper… MORE
€25M Conference Rooms
€25M Conference Rooms
United Nation's 21st-Century Sistine Chapel
Miquel Barceló, an artist from Majorcan, Spain, is the man who created (with workers, of course) this ravishing ceiling in a conference room at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in Geneva. The New… MORE
Multimedia Mirrors
Multimedia Mirrors
Listen to Music and Watch TV While Primping with the ‘Hi Mirror'
Forget walking over to the television or stereo and turning them on while you primp in the mirror. With the ‘HI Mirror’ by Valli Arredobagno, you can look at your awesome reflection and watch or listen… MORE
DIY 3D Greetings
DIY 3D Greetings
Build Your Own New York Postcards
Build Your Own New York Postcards will keep children of your friends entertained for hours. Published by Wurlington Press Brothers, the postcards can be sent in flat form and then cut and glued together… MORE
Lighting Made From Cash
Lighting Made From Cash
Brighten Your Home With Kurrency Chandeliers
They may look like upside-down wedding cakes made from cash but, in actuality, they’re Kurrency Chandeliers.  Stuart Karten Design (SKD) created these functional cash-made chandeliers using crisp… MORE
Graphic Art Pillowcases
Graphic Art Pillowcases
HZL by Henzel
The Luxury Art Pillowcase Collection, HZL by Henzel, provides not only a place to rest your weary head after a long hard day at work, but a place to do so in style. Internationally famed, Swedish designer… MORE