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Top 100 Photography Trends in 2018

From DIY Wooden Cameras to Motorized Videographer Tripods

— February 3, 2019 — Tech
From compact 4K camera rings to second generation selfie drones, this list of 2018 photography trends highlights crucial ways in which the photography industry, and camera makers, are incorporating other forms of technology to improve existing forms and functions.

Designed to mount simply to the flash mount of any DSLR camera, the Aurga gives even the most rudimentary photographer the ability to capture absolutely marvelous shots. To accomplish this feat the Aurga utilizes AI to automatically tweak the settings of a camera, essentially intensifying the auto function of most DSLRs. The AI device can also be manually controlled through a smartphone app to apply certain filters to photos.

Also included in this list is the 'Detu MAX,' an immersive 8K camera that gives videographers the ability to produce truly immersive media. Featuring an integrated sensor, the camera is capable of capturing images in 12K and video in 8K. The camera also allows for videos to be rendered in virtual reality to truly create breathtaking experiences for users to enjoy.

For more photography innovations in the year ahead, check out Trend Hunter's 2019 Trend Report.
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Low-Light Performance Cameras
Low-Light Performance Cameras
The Panasonic GH5S Ditches Some Quality for Low-Light Performance
Noise-Canceling 4K Cameras
Noise-Canceling 4K Cameras
The 'Nikon Z 6' Camera Muffles the Sound of Its Own Shutter
Cost-Effective Smartphone Cameras
Cost-Effective Smartphone Cameras
Samsung's ISOCELL Dual Offers a Better Camera for a Lower Cost
Reborn Iconic Film Cameras
Reborn Iconic Film Cameras
Kodak's Super 8 Camera is a Modern Revival of an Iconic Camera
Vibration-Proof 4K Cameras
Vibration-Proof 4K Cameras
This Camera Suppresses Mechanical Vibrations to Enhance Photo Output
8k 360-Degree Cameras
8k 360-Degree Cameras
The Insta360 Pro 2 Offers a Host of Impressive Camera Functions
Accelerated Autofocus Cameras
Accelerated Autofocus Cameras
The Panasonic Lumix GX9 is Ready to Capture the Action
Broad-Zoom Compact Cameras
Broad-Zoom Compact Cameras
The Sony RX100 VI is a Superzoom Camera with a Tiny and Portable Body
Affordable 4G Cameras
Affordable 4G Cameras
The Yongnuo 4G Camera Runs Android OS and Has a Selfie Camera
Full-Frame 150MP Cameras
Full-Frame 150MP Cameras
The Phase One XF IQ4 Camera System Produces Premium RAW Images
Premium Matte Compact Cameras
Premium Matte Compact Cameras
The Leica Q-P Camera Boasts a Stealthy Tonal Finish
Affordable 4K Cameras
Affordable 4K Cameras
The Pocket Cinema Camera 4K Combines Impressive Features in a Small Size
Organic Sensor Cameras
Organic Sensor Cameras
The Panasonic AK-SHB810 Offers an Incredible Dynamic Range
High-Performing Mirrorless Cameras
High-Performing Mirrorless Cameras
Jerry Julien Spoke with Trend Hunter About the Fujifilm X-H1
Deep-Zoom Digital Cameras
Deep-Zoom Digital Cameras
The Panasonic ZS200 Comes Stock with a 24-360x Lens
Analog-Styled Digital Cameras
Analog-Styled Digital Cameras
The Leica M10-D Features Old-School Style with Modern Features
Pop Star Instant Cameras
Pop Star Instant Cameras
The FUJIFILM instax SQUARE SQ6 Taylor Swift Edition is Singer-Approved
Triple-Sensor Production Cameras
Triple-Sensor Production Cameras
The Sony PXW-Z280 Offers Quality in an Affordable Package
Diminutive 4K Cameras
Diminutive 4K Cameras
This Canon Camera Offers Crystal-Clear Photography In a Compact Package
VHS-Digitizing Services
VHS-Digitizing Services
The Kodak ‘Digitizing Box’ Converts Old Media to New Formats
Smooth Gimbal-Based Action Cams
Smooth Gimbal-Based Action Cams
The eyyCAM Captures Smooth Footage in Rugged Conditions
Compact Motion Box Mounts
Compact Motion Box Mounts
The Capsule360 Gives Users Immense Camera Control With a Smartphone
Mirrorless 4K Cameras
Mirrorless 4K Cameras
The FujiFilm X-H1 Bases Itself of Older Models But Offers New Upgrades
Spring-Loaded Camera Caps
Spring-Loaded Camera Caps
'LENSCAPT' Eliminates Users from Ever Losing Their Lens Cap Again
Colorful All-Angle Cameras
Colorful All-Angle Cameras
Tyson Mai Designed the VISTA Camera to Capture Shots from 360°
Compact Optical Zoom Cameras
Compact Optical Zoom Cameras
The Leica C-Lux Camera is Perfect for Shutterbugs of All Kinds
Rejuvenated Bluetooth Cameras
Rejuvenated Bluetooth Cameras
The 'Lumix LX100 mark II' Offers a Blend of Connectivity and Clarity
Limited-Edition Luxe Cameras
Limited-Edition Luxe Cameras
The Limited-Edition M10-P Features a Bold New Color Scheme
Ultra-Quiet Mechanical Cameras
Ultra-Quiet Mechanical Cameras
The Leica M10-P Has a Shutter That's Silent for Quick Captures
Suction Cup Camera Mounts
Suction Cup Camera Mounts
This Mount Uses Millions of Suction Cups For Long-Lasting Strength
Adventurer Microscope Cameras
Adventurer Microscope Cameras
The Ricoh WG-60 Camera is Waterproof, Freezeproof and More
Analog Anniversary Cameras
Analog Anniversary Cameras
The Lomo 25th Anniversary LC-A+ is Crafted with Premium Materials
4K Mirrorless Performance Cameras
4K Mirrorless Performance Cameras
The Canon EOS R Features a 30.2MP CMOS Sensor and More
Standalone Digital Cameras
Standalone Digital Cameras
The 'Zeiss ZX1' Features Adobe CC LIghtroom Integration
Elegant Long Zoom Cameras
Elegant Long Zoom Cameras
The C-Lux Camera Boasts a Premium Design and Peak Performance
Rugged 4K Diving Cameras
Rugged 4K Diving Cameras
The Panasonic Lumix TS7 has a Depth Rating of 102 Feet
All-Black Rangefinder Cameras
All-Black Rangefinder Cameras
Rag & Bone and Leica Made a Glow-in-the-Dark Monochrom Camera
DSLR Hard Drive Accessories
DSLR Hard Drive Accessories
The 'DriveMount' is Essential for Avid Photographers and Videographers
Modernized Camcorder Devices
Modernized Camcorder Devices
This Handheld Camcorder Draws Inspiration from a Retro Design
Conceptual Fashion-Branded Cameras
Conceptual Fashion-Branded Cameras
The Nikon Z7 Louis Vuitton Edition Camera is Fashion-Forward
Discreet DSLR Cameras
Discreet DSLR Cameras
Images from the Leica CL Can Be Wirelessly Transferred to a Mobile Phone
Malleable Selfie Sticks
Malleable Selfie Sticks
The 'GekkoStick' Offers Customized Capabilities to Snap Perfect Shots
Cinematic 4K Cameras
Cinematic 4K Cameras
This Camera Offers Broadcast-Level Photography in a Portable Package
Retro-Inspired Video Cameras
Retro-Inspired Video Cameras
The 'D4H' Concept Mirrorless Camera Looks Like a Super 8 Film Camera
Customizable Point-and-Shoot Cameras
Customizable Point-and-Shoot Cameras
This Conceptual Camera is Advanced and Feature-Rich
Instant Printing Photography Devices
Instant Printing Photography Devices
The 'Instant Magny 35' Turns an SLR into an Instant Camera
Nostalgic Tech-Infused Instant Cameras
Nostalgic Tech-Infused Instant Cameras
Instax Square SQ20 Lets Consumers Select Photos to Print
Upgraded 50mm Camera Lenses
Upgraded 50mm Camera Lenses
The Star-Series 50mm Lens Features Physical Upgrades
Motorized Videographer Tripod Devices
Motorized Videographer Tripod Devices
The edelkrone 'DollyPLUS' Works with Any Tripod
Budget-Friendly Broadcast Cameras
Budget-Friendly Broadcast Cameras
The URSA Broadcast Offers Ultra High-Definition Capture for Less
Textured Carbon Fiber Cameras
Textured Carbon Fiber Cameras
The Leica CL Carbon Edition Camera Boasts a 24.2MP Sensor
Revived Box Cameras
Revived Box Cameras
The 'Rolleiflex Instant Kamera' Combines Old-World Design With Modern Features
Compact High-End Cameras
Compact High-End Cameras
The Panasonic Lumix GX9 Has Impressive Specs
Ergonomic Extended Battery Cameras
Ergonomic Extended Battery Cameras
The Sigma dpQ Integrates a Secure Handle for Easy Shooting
AI Camera Accessories
AI Camera Accessories
This Camera Plug-In Uses AI Technology to Improve Photo Quality
High-Quality Filmmaker Kits
High-Quality Filmmaker Kits
Nikon's D850 Filmmaker's Kit Gives New Creators Every Tool They Need
Incredibly Tiny Gimbal Cameras
Incredibly Tiny Gimbal Cameras
Dji's Incredibly High-tech Product Has a Variety of Useful Features
Sliding Motorized Camera Mounts
Sliding Motorized Camera Mounts
The 'SliderMini' Works with Your Choice of Photography Device
Compact Instant Cameras
Compact Instant Cameras
Fujifilm Released Images of Its Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6
Compact HD Cube Cameras
Compact HD Cube Cameras
The 'CUBE Mini' Camera Captures High-Quality Footage
Low-Tech Smartphone Printers
Low-Tech Smartphone Printers
The Kiipix Printer Burns Phone Images onto Instant Photo Paper
Picture-Printing Wireless Cameras
Picture-Printing Wireless Cameras
The LG Pocket Photo Snap Instant Camera Prints in Several Modes
Portable Wireless Cameras
Portable Wireless Cameras
The Evo GoCam is Ultra-Convenient and Compatible with Phones
Natural Vision Smartphone Lenses
Natural Vision Smartphone Lenses
The 'SPLENDOR' Case Captures Wide-Angle Photos with Precision
Modernized Old-School Cameras
Modernized Old-School Cameras
The 'M24.004' Camera Creates Physical Keepsakes of Your Images
Incredibly Slim Digital Cameras
Incredibly Slim Digital Cameras
The M24.004 Camera is a Concept Piece That Explores Smart Design
Holistic Smartphone Photography Lenses
Holistic Smartphone Photography Lenses
The 'PanoClip' 360-Degree iPhone Lens Snaps the Whole View
Immersive 8K VR Cameras
Immersive 8K VR Cameras
The 'Detu MAX' Produces Unparalleled Photos and Video
Wearable Camera Stabilizers
Wearable Camera Stabilizers
The 'Steadify' Camera Rig Offers Hands-Free and Blur-Free Photography
DSLR-Quality Camera Apps
DSLR-Quality Camera Apps
Obscura 2 Lets Smartphone Users Take High-Quality Photos
Detachable Indoor Cameras
Detachable Indoor Cameras
The New Hive View Indoor Camera by Yves Behar is Sleek and Magnetic
Speedy 4K Compact Cameras
Speedy 4K Compact Cameras
The Conceptual Canon G7X Mark III is Powerful yet Compact
Oversized Lens Digital Cameras
Oversized Lens Digital Cameras
The Nikon Coolpix P1000 Offers a Whopping 125x of Optical Zoom
Ergonomic Smartphone Camera Accessories
Ergonomic Smartphone Camera Accessories
The Just Mobile 'ShutterGrip' Stabilizes Your Device
Hyper-Zoom Camera Lenses
Hyper-Zoom Camera Lenses
This 4K Camera Lens is Designed for High-End Wildlife Videography
Compact 360-Degree Cameras
Compact 360-Degree Cameras
The Vuze XR Brings 360-Degree Video and a Wider Audience
Low-Cost 4K Action Cams
Low-Cost 4K Action Cams
The APEMAN 'TRAWO' Action Camera is Packed with 20MP Sensor and More
Smartphone-Inspired Compact Cameras
Smartphone-Inspired Compact Cameras
The Fujifilm XF10 is Geared to Smartphone Photographers
Magnifying Smartphone Eyewear
Magnifying Smartphone Eyewear
The 'Oko' Smartphone Case Allows For Easy Wearable Photography
Ergonomic Smartphone Camera Grips
Ergonomic Smartphone Camera Grips
The Pictar Pro Adds Physical Buttons to Smartphone Photography
Reflection-Free Camera Accessory
Reflection-Free Camera Accessory
Josh Smith Designs the Ultimate Lens Hood for Glass Photography
Eco Smartphone Camera Wearables
Eco Smartphone Camera Wearables
The 'HELIOS' Solar-Powered Body Cam Uses Your Smartphones Camera
Full-Color Night Vision Cameras
Full-Color Night Vision Cameras
The SiOnyx 'Aurora' Action Cam Offers Optimal Performance
Action Cam Toy Cars
Action Cam Toy Cars
The Hot Wheels 'Zoom In' Car was Developed by Mattel and GoPro
Self-Stabilizing Cameras
Self-Stabilizing Cameras
The 'PIVOT' Camera by Thomas Thornton Optimizes Your Photography
All-in-One Smartphone Videographer Accessories
All-in-One Smartphone Videographer Accessories
The 'SmartCine' Boasts a Highly Portable Design
High-End Mirror-Less Cameras
High-End Mirror-Less Cameras
The Leica S3 Camera Sports an All-Digital Design
Second Generation Selfie Drones
Second Generation Selfie Drones
Compact Selfie Drone 'AirSelfie 2' Was Unveiled at This Year's CES
4K Vlogging Cameras
4K Vlogging Cameras
The 'Idolcam' Ensures Smooth Recording of Personal Video Blogs
Elegant Camera-Inspired Watches
Elegant Camera-Inspired Watches
TACS' Vintage Timepiece Boasts Skilled Craftsmanship & Chic Design
Filmmaker Smartphone Lens
Filmmaker Smartphone Lens
The Moment Anamorphic Lens Transforms Your Smartphone Capabilities
Retro DIY Wooden Cameras
Retro DIY Wooden Cameras
The Woodsum Pinhole Camera is Made from Laser-Cut Components
Professional 4K Smartphone Cameras
Professional 4K Smartphone Cameras
The Insta360 Nano S Camera Enables 360-Degree Content Recording
Tactile Image Cameras
Tactile Image Cameras
The '2C3D' Camera Offers a Way for the Blind to Touch Images
Selfie Ball Party Cameras
Selfie Ball Party Cameras
Hypno Documents Your Event and Formats It for Social Media Use
Infrared Smartphone Camera Accessories
Infrared Smartphone Camera Accessories
This Infrared Camera Concept is Fun and Functional
Cartoon-Creating Cameras
Cartoon-Creating Cameras
The 'Draw This' Camera Creates Unpredictable Art with AI
Precision Optics Smartphone Lenses
Precision Optics Smartphone Lenses
The LEMURO Case and Lenses Instantly Upgrades Your Smartphone
User-Friendly Complex Cameras
User-Friendly Complex Cameras
By Using Design Elements, the Lytro Lüm Hopes to Entice Novice Users
4K Video-Recording Camera Rings
4K Video-Recording Camera Rings
The 'INSTA_RING' from Unlike Labs is Integrated with a 12MP Sensor