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Top 100 DIY Trends in 2016

From Luxurious Leather Coasters to DIY Sophisticated Notebooks

— January 30, 2017 — Art & Design
The top 2016 DIY trends range from simple to complex, and so most consumers will be able to find something they can take interest in and build or create themselves. One of the more prominent themes in this area in 2016 are DIYs that are simple yet luxurious in their design. Trend Hunter's 2017 Trend Report is available for free and explores other distinct and creative trends.

One example is the coaster design that Laura Kaesshaefer came up with. The coasters are extremely simple to make, as they only require being cut out of leather sheets and then decorated as the user chooses. The simple concept offers a functional item in the home that people of all ages can create.

Another example of simple yet luxurious trends taking over DIY exists in the luxury notebooks created by Teri Muncey. The sophisticated end result comes in the form of books that look like they are made from marble and have copper spines, but are in reality extremely cost-efficient and easy to replicate.
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Online DIY Educating Platforms
Online DIY Educating Platforms
Craftsy Offers Virtual Craft Courses Consumers Can Take From Home
Robotic Component Kits
Robotic Component Kits
The 'PurpleKit' Home Robot Construction Kit Provides Components to DIY
Money-Saving Candy Machines
Money-Saving Candy Machines
The Smart Planet Gummy Candy Maker Lets Kids DIY Their Own Treats
Sophisticated Wine Carriers
Sophisticated Wine Carriers
This Box Turns into a DIY Structure That Transports and Holds Wines
Climate-Controlled Smart Gardens
Climate-Controlled Smart Gardens
The Nectar Allows Consumers to Grow Organic Produce Year-Round
DIY Device Kits
DIY Device Kits
Kano is Moving Beyond DIY Computers to Include Other Technological Devices
DIY Leather Coasters
DIY Leather Coasters
These Customized Coasters Can Easily Be Made at Home
Bespoke Winemaking Kits
Bespoke Winemaking Kits
This Small Batch Handcrafted Wine Making Kit is a Gorgeous Workstation
Customizable Candle Subscriptions
Customizable Candle Subscriptions
The Busy Bee Candle Fragrance Club Includes Tiny Wax Melts
Project Management Platforms
Project Management Platforms
The 'Estimake' Platform Helps Users Organize DIY Projects
Homemade Sauerkraut Kits
Homemade Sauerkraut Kits
The Kraut Source Fermentation Kit Makes Natural Fermenting Easy
Homemade Post-Gym Bath Remedies
Homemade Post-Gym Bath Remedies
These DIY Bath Bombs Help You Relax and Sooth Tired Muscles
Small Batch Fermentation Kits
Small Batch Fermentation Kits
This Small Batch Fermentation Kit Makes Kimchi and Sauerkraut
DIY Historical Coloring Books
DIY Historical Coloring Books
These Institutions are Creating Coloring Books from Historical Art
Homemade Ice Cream Mixes
Homemade Ice Cream Mixes
These Cartons Offer a Variety of Mixes That Can Transform into Ice Cream
Weather-Reporting Footwear
Weather-Reporting Footwear
This DIY Project Turns Your Converse Shoes Into Weather Reporters
Printable Ring Clocks
Printable Ring Clocks
This 3D-Printed Clock Design Embraces an Exposed Gear-Powered Design
Culinary Mushroom-Growing Logs
Culinary Mushroom-Growing Logs
This DIY Grow Your Own Mushroom Log is Ideal for At-Home Chefs
DIY Bottle Phone Cases
DIY Bottle Phone Cases
Japanese Consumers are Creating DIY Evian Water Bottle Phone Case Designs
DIY Gesture-Control Remotes
DIY Gesture-Control Remotes
This DIY TV Remote Control Provides an Intuitive Experience
DIY Designer Maps
DIY Designer Maps
Grafomap Lets People Create Their Own Special Maps
Complex Crocheted Costumes
Complex Crocheted Costumes
This Convincing ET Costume Was Custom-Knitted in Just Four Days
DIY Home Spy Cameras
DIY Home Spy Cameras
This DIY Raspberry Pi SpyCam Can be Remotely Controlled via Smartphone
Offline Retailer Markets
Offline Retailer Markets
Not on the High Street's 'Open Door' Event Featured Online-Only Goods
Tomato-Growing Kits
Tomato-Growing Kits
Back to the Roots' Organic Self-Watering Planter Simplifies At-Home Gardening
Colorful Numberless Clocks
Colorful Numberless Clocks
This Fibonacci Clock Kit Utilizes Colors to Display the Time
3D-Printed Tabletop Games
3D-Printed Tabletop Games
Masterwork Tools Launched an Open-Source Collection of Scenery and Tools
Homemade Spiked Suckers
Homemade Spiked Suckers
This DIY Lollipops are Alcoholic and Have a Pretty Marbled Appearance
Retro Smart Home Systems
Retro Smart Home Systems
This Home Audio System was Given a DIY Technology Overhaul
eCommerce Packaging Christmas Trees
eCommerce Packaging Christmas Trees
This Cardboard Tree is Made Using Amazon Boxes
DIY IOT Devices
DIY IOT Devices
The 'MODI' Robotic Devices Enable Users to Create Their Own Smart Solutions
Micro Industrial Eco-Shops
Micro Industrial Eco-Shops
These 'Makerspace' Structures in Ghana Will Re-purpose 'E-Waste'
Multitool Tube Packaging
Multitool Tube Packaging
The 3M Patch Plus Primer 4-in-1 Boasts a Useful Packaging Design
Plastic Bag Holder DIYs
Plastic Bag Holder DIYs
This Simple DIY Keeps Plastic Bags Stylishly Handy
DIY Wooden Armrests
DIY Wooden Armrests
This DIY Wooden Armrest Sofa Table Enhances Store-Bought Furniture
Leather DIY Sandals
Leather DIY Sandals
Pikkpack's Custom Shoe Kits are Stylish and Accessible to Create
Precision Paint Roller Add-Ons
Precision Paint Roller Add-Ons
The Roller Bumper Stops Paint Roller Brushes from Touching the Top
Etched Illusionary Wooden Calendars
Etched Illusionary Wooden Calendars
The Dodecal Block Calendar Displays the Date Contemporarily
3D-Printed Pinball Games
3D-Printed Pinball Games
This Two-Player Pinball Game Puts a Creative Twist on Tabletop Football
DIY Almond Milk Kits
DIY Almond Milk Kits
This DIY Almond Milk Kit is Ideal for Those Avoiding Dairy
Edible Utensil Appliances
Edible Utensil Appliances
The Edible Spoon Maker Transforms Pre-Made Dough into Snacking Tools
Fast Food Packaging Fashions
Fast Food Packaging Fashions
The New Packaging at McDonald's was Reworked into Couture Accessories
Culinary Herb Gardening Kits
Culinary Herb Gardening Kits
The Culinary Herb Garden Maker Set Will Help Kickstart Your Garden
DIY Pixelated Wall Artwork
DIY Pixelated Wall Artwork
Wallz Copenhagen Enables Custom Wall Art with Ease
Body Positive Coloring Books
Body Positive Coloring Books
This Coloring Book is Filled with Body Positive Illustrations
Cocktail-Mixing Dresses
Cocktail-Mixing Dresses
Anouk Wipprecht's 'Drinkbot' Dress Pours Cocktail Shooters
3D-Printed Pinhole Cameras
3D-Printed Pinhole Cameras
This 3D-Printed Camera Brings a New Perspective to Old Photography
DIY Remote-Control Hovercrafts
DIY Remote-Control Hovercrafts
This DIY Hovercraft RC Vehicle Glides Over Snow and Possible Water
Boyfriend-Made Engagement Rings
Boyfriend-Made Engagement Rings
Imgur User Jarvicious Creates His Own Custom Ring to Propose With
Post-Breakup Coloring Books
Post-Breakup Coloring Books
This Coloring Book is Designed to Help Users Overcome a Breakup
At-Home Catnip Garden Kits
At-Home Catnip Garden Kits
The Catnip Garden in a Bag Kit Can Be Used in a Variety of Ways
3D-Printed Marble Mazes
3D-Printed Marble Mazes
This DIY Marble Machine Toy Explores Fantastical Architecture
Kitchen Microgreens Kits
Kitchen Microgreens Kits
This Microgreens Box Kit Has Everything to Create a Windowsill Garden
DIY Luxury Notebooks
DIY Luxury Notebooks
This Artist Uses Copper Accents to Decorate Notebooks
Marbled Egg DIYs
Marbled Egg DIYs
This Easter Crafts are Customized with Colored Nail Polish
Digital Craft Printers
Digital Craft Printers
The Brother 'ScanNCut 2' Cutting Scanner Machine Enables Customized Crafts
DIY 3D-Printed Video Games
DIY 3D-Printed Video Games
The 'Pirakeet' Handheld Game Console was Created Using a 3D Printer
Eco Tween Fashion Kits
Eco Tween Fashion Kits
The Fashion Angels Garbage to Glam Upcycling Product Lineup is Interactive
DIY Laptop Skins
DIY Laptop Skins
This Custom Cover Can Decorate Laptops with Any Pictures or Illustrations
DIY Professional Drone Kits
DIY Professional Drone Kits
The FireClouds AirFrame Kit Comes with Everything to Make a Drone
DIY Thermal Cameras
DIY Thermal Cameras
The Thermocam Kit Allows Users to DIY Their Own Thermal Imaging Camera
DIY Dessert Sandwich Makers
DIY Dessert Sandwich Makers
The Chef'n Sweet Spot Homemade Ice Cream Sandwich Maker is Easy to Use
DIY Entertainment Systems
DIY Entertainment Systems
'PlayBox' is a 3D-Printed Device for Music, Radio, Videos and Gaming
Veggie Garden Starter Kits
Veggie Garden Starter Kits
This Veggie Garden Maker Kit Will Kickstart Your Backyard Garden
Dual-Packaging Herb Kits
Dual-Packaging Herb Kits
This Student Project is Designed to Promote Urban Gardening
DIY Wooden Beehives
DIY Wooden Beehives
This Beehive Was Created as Part of a Movement to Save Bees
Repurposed Slat Shelving
Repurposed Slat Shelving
This Interior Designer Creates a New Purpose for IKEA Bed Slats
Adhesive Eyeliner Stencils
Adhesive Eyeliner Stencils
These Adhesive Stickers Help Users Create the Perfect Cat Eye
DIY Birdhouse Kits
DIY Birdhouse Kits
The 'Nesting Box' Kit Makes It Easy for Anyone to Build a Birdhouse
Single-Person Nightclubs
Single-Person Nightclubs
Berlin's Teledisko for One is the World's Smallest Dance Club
Space-Worthy Computer Cases
Space-Worthy Computer Cases
The Astro Pi Raspberry Pi Case is Now Available to be 3D-Printed
DIY Anti-Drone Guns
DIY Anti-Drone Guns
This DIY Raspberry Pi Drone Disabler Takes Out Pesky Digital Intruders
Hybrid Craft Studios
Hybrid Craft Studios
London's 'Drink, Shop & Do' Functions as a Bar, Cafe and Craft Studio
Experiential Wine-Making Shops
Experiential Wine-Making Shops
Toronto's Fermentations Helps Consumers DIY Their Favorite Drinks
Animal-Inspired Paper Lamps
Animal-Inspired Paper Lamps
OWL Paperlamps' Lighting Collection Looks Like Large-Scale Origami
Architectural Succulent Planters
Architectural Succulent Planters
These 3D-Printed Plant Pots are Shaped Like Middle Eastern Villas
Mason Jar Gardening Kits
Mason Jar Gardening Kits
The DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden Kit is Perfect for Amateur Chefs
Bespoke Open-Source Chairs
Bespoke Open-Source Chairs
The FABric Loungers Are Designed to Let Consumers Embrace DIY Culture
User-Friendly Programming Kits
User-Friendly Programming Kits
This 'Starter Kit' Offers an Introduction to Raspberry Pi
3D Embroidery DIYs
3D Embroidery DIYs
You Can Easily Make Abstract Art Pieces with This Calming At-home Project
Geometric Stencil Design Packs
Geometric Stencil Design Packs
The 'Rememory' Stencil Pack Celebrates Design Creativity
Chinese Carpentry Workshops
Chinese Carpentry Workshops
This Shop Offers Woodworking Classes for Carpentry Enthusiasts
Galaxy Cake Recipes
Galaxy Cake Recipes
Heather Baird's Black Velvet Cake Has a Nebula Theme That's Out of This World
Undulating Utensil Holders
Undulating Utensil Holders
This Sculptural Pen Organizer is a Pleasing Way to Keep a Desk Tidy
Maker Fabrication Tools
Maker Fabrication Tools
The 'Glue Looper' is a Glue Applicator that Enables Faster Crafting
DIY Smart Rings
DIY Smart Rings
This DIY Technology Project Creates the ATtiny85 Ring Watch
Miniature DIY Houses
Miniature DIY Houses
The PAD 'Bunk Box' Offers Plans for Users to Create Their Own Tiny Home
Computerized Woodworking Tools
Computerized Woodworking Tools
The Shaper Origin is a Computer-Guided Cutting Tool
Pocket-Sized BBQs
Pocket-Sized BBQs
This Portable DIY Grill Provides Grilling Capabilities that Fit in Your Pocket
DIY Maker Laptops
DIY Maker Laptops
The ELLO 2M DIY Laptop is Made Using Essential Components
Scrap Material Micro Houses
Scrap Material Micro Houses
This Tiny Home is Made from Garbage and Recycled Materials
Modern Portable Log Fires
Modern Portable Log Fires
This Portable Log Fire Can Be Used on the Beach or in a Fireplace
Recycled Towel Plant Pots
Recycled Towel Plant Pots
These DIY Plant Pots are Created Using Old Towels or Blankets
DIY Macrame Lampshades
DIY Macrame Lampshades
Plumen Teams Up with Wool and the Gang for a Fun Lighting Kit
DIY Furniture Kits
DIY Furniture Kits
The UXA Steel Brackets Allow Consumers to Transform Wooden Beams into Furniture
DIY Oversized Knitting Decor
DIY Oversized Knitting Decor
The Ohhio Braid Lets Consumers Create Unique Chunky Knit Decor
Converted Sprinter Vans
Converted Sprinter Vans
Filmmaker Cyrus Sutton Shows How He Lives on the Road in His Converted Van
DIY Augmented Reality Books
DIY Augmented Reality Books
This Augmented Reality Book Requires No Apps or Special Glasses to Use
Converted Van DIYs
Converted Van DIYs
Filmmaker Zach Both Shows How to Transform a Van Into a Modern Apartment
Soundproof Insulating Wall Stickers
Soundproof Insulating Wall Stickers
These 3D Self-Adhesive Wall Stickers Add Visual Decor Appeal