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Top 100 Computer Trends of 2014

From Hexagonal Gaming Computers to Elegantly Thrifty Laptops

— January 3, 2015 — Tech
Our world is increasingly driven and controlled by computers and this is certainly proven in this list of the 2014 computer trends. Every little thing from asking for directions or conducting banking transactions to watching movies and staying in touch with family is now done courtesy of computers. Therefore it shouldn't be surprising that computers have evolved to make it easier than ever for us to carry out all these functions with minimal effort.

As computers have well and truly infiltrated every aspect of their lives, they are becoming increasingly niche in their construction. There are computers targeted specifically towards gamers, musicians, designers, photographers and educators. Perhaps the biggest trends in computing in 2014 revolve around these niche machines, suggesting that the computer market will only expand in 2015 as manufacturers develop computers for even more specific tasks.

For more on the innovations driving the exciting world of computers, consult Trend Hunter's Computers Trend Report.
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Portable Pocket Computers
Portable Pocket Computers
The New Tango Super PC Can Easily Fit in the Back of Your Pants
Cinematic Unibody Multimedia Desktops
Cinematic Unibody Multimedia Desktops
The iPro Desktop Concept Revamps the Feel of Apple Desktops
Copycat Chinese Tablets
Copycat Chinese Tablets
The 'Mi Pad' is Pretty Much an Exact Replica of the iPad Mini
Inutitive Childrens Learning Tablets
Inutitive Childrens Learning Tablets
The New Kurio 4G Kids Tablet Was Revealed at 2014 CES
Water-Powered Printers
Water-Powered Printers
This Printer Uses Water Instead of Ink to Get Perfect Prints
Dynamic Gaming Computers
Dynamic Gaming Computers
These MSI Gaming Pcs Feature Built-In Speakers & Advanced Graphics Cards
Hanging Tablet Holders
Hanging Tablet Holders
The TABI Tablet Holder and Hanging Offers Full Versatility
Adjustable Gaming Monitors
Adjustable Gaming Monitors
This AOC Gaming Monitor Boosts Graphic Quality and Gaming Speed
Regarchable Gaming Peripherals
Regarchable Gaming Peripherals
The Mionix Inductive Charging Mouse Was Showcased at 2014 CES
Double-Sided Computer Screens
Double-Sided Computer Screens
The Double-Sided MacBook Screens are the Future of Apple
High-Performance Gaming Laptops
High-Performance Gaming Laptops
MSI GS Laptops Offer Top-Notch Audio, Video and Processing Speed
Gaze-Tracking Content Controllers
Gaze-Tracking Content Controllers
This Eye Drop Allows Users to Drag Files Using Only Their Sight
Browser Update-Encouraging Sites
Browser Update-Encouraging Sites
The Outdated Browser Website Tells You If You Need an Upgrade
Diminutive Internet Providers
Diminutive Internet Providers
The Tiny Airstation AC433 Travel Router Debuted at CES 2014
Touchscreen Gaming Laptops
Touchscreen Gaming Laptops
The Lenovo Y70 Touch Gaming Laptop is Surprisingly Thin
Smartphone Necklace-Projecting Gadgets
Smartphone Necklace-Projecting Gadgets
These Necklace Projectors Put the Future in Your Hands
Advanced Gaming Laptops
Advanced Gaming Laptops
Asus' Latest 'Republic of Gamers' Laptops Are Designed for Serious Gamers
Multi-Touch Gamer Laptops
Multi-Touch Gamer Laptops
The New Razer 'Blade' Laptop is a Cutting-Edge Gaming Machine
Multi-Function Versatile Computers
Multi-Function Versatile Computers
The Toshiba 5-in-1 Concept PC Was Unveiled at CES 2014
Multi-Device Interactive Experiences
Multi-Device Interactive Experiences
Orange's Hello 2014 Uses a Computer and a Phone to Be Seen
Galactic Touchpad Keyboards
Galactic Touchpad Keyboards
The Star Wars Keyboard with LCD Touchpad is a Nerdy Techcessory
Adjustable Rotating Tablet Stands
Adjustable Rotating Tablet Stands
The Bee Tower Adjusts to Hold Your Tablet in Every Way Possible
Lightweight Professional Laptops
Lightweight Professional Laptops
The MSI WS60 Laptop is Perfect for Professionals On the Go
Foot Massaging Computer Covers
Foot Massaging Computer Covers
The Leggage Laptop Travel Case Increases Circulation on Airplanes
Ultrasound-Inspired Tablets
Ultrasound-Inspired Tablets
Snapdragon Converts Ink Drawings into Virtual Real Time Designs
Worldly Internet Usage Trackers
Worldly Internet Usage Trackers
Fractl Created a Website That Tracks Internet Usage in Real-Time
Ultra-Slim Keyboard Cases
Ultra-Slim Keyboard Cases
The QODE Thin Type Keyboard is Designed for the iPad Air
High-Performance Gaming Peripherals
High-Performance Gaming Peripherals
The High-Tech BLACK Snow Mouse is Made for Serious Gamers
Desktop Virtualization Devices
Desktop Virtualization Devices
Dell's New Android Dongle Allows Users Palm-Held PC Access
Virtual Fantasy Maps
Virtual Fantasy Maps
This Interactive Game of Thrones Map Lets You Experience GofT Virtually
Solar-Powered Laptops
Solar-Powered Laptops
This Solar-Powered Macbook Could Change the Portable Computer Game Forever
Universal Mobile Keyboards
Universal Mobile Keyboards
Microsoft Creates an Accessory for Both iOS and Android Tablets
Heartbeat-Authenticating Technology Locks
Heartbeat-Authenticating Technology Locks
Nymi Has a Heartbeat Sensor That Will Unlock Your Tech
Sci-Fi Computers
Sci-Fi Computers
The Ubi Computer Takes Commands Via Natural Conversation
Massive Optimizing Tablets
Massive Optimizing Tablets
The New Panasonic 4K Tablet Was Unveiled at 2014 CES
Minimalist Micro Cable Docks
Minimalist Micro Cable Docks
This Tiny Dock Holds Your Cable in Place
Multiple Device-Supporting Docks
Multiple Device-Supporting Docks
The EverDock Will Charge Whatever Device Model You Choose
Glasses-Based Gaming Devices
Glasses-Based Gaming Devices
The Samsung Galaxy Glasses Will Be Launching in Fall 2014
Keyboarding Shortcut Apps
Keyboarding Shortcut Apps
The Application Shortcut Mapper Helps Photoshop Users Save Time
App-Controlled Cookers
App-Controlled Cookers
Collaborative Cooking Makes Meals Without Chef's Presence
Omnidirectional Charging Cables
Omnidirectional Charging Cables
BelayCords are Stylish and Rugged to Ensure Optimal Usage
Lightweight Desktop Computers
Lightweight Desktop Computers
The Acer Chromebox CX1 is Equipped With a Chrome Operating System
Code-Teaching Robots
Code-Teaching Robots
Robotiky the Educational Robot Teaches Kids How to Program
Posture-Perfecting Computer Stands
Posture-Perfecting Computer Stands
The Foald Pillar Looks to Completely Erase Bad Posture
iMac-Inspired Desktops
iMac-Inspired Desktops
The Samsung ATIV Book One 7 Tricks Fans at CES 2014
Affordable Tech-Controlling Garments
Affordable Tech-Controlling Garments
The Zuzance Hoodie Can Control Your Devices
Interactive Cyber Attack Maps
Interactive Cyber Attack Maps
The Kaspersky Labs 3D Map Shows Global Cyber Attacks in Real Time
Two-in-One Desktops
Two-in-One Desktops
The iPro Apple Computer by Kurt Merki Jr. Boasts a Curved Base
Deceptive Literary Laptop Cases
Deceptive Literary Laptop Cases
The Rutledge 'Bookbook' MacBook Case Looks Like a Leather Book
Portable 3D Scanners
Portable 3D Scanners
Apple's new iSense 3D Scanner Was Unveiled at CES 2014
Elegantly Thrifty Laptops
Elegantly Thrifty Laptops
The Newest iMac Computer Offers Top-Notch Design at a Low Price
Name Generated Celebratory Mixups
Name Generated Celebratory Mixups
John Travolta Oscars Intro to Idina Menzel is now a Widget
Gamer Console USBs
Gamer Console USBs
This Adorable USB Port Looks Like a Miniature Nintendo Game Boy Color
Projection Gaming Systems
Projection Gaming Systems
Microsoft RoomAlive Turns Any Room into a Giant Xbox Game
Ultra-Rugged Laptops
Ultra-Rugged Laptops
The Dell Latitude Rugged Laptops Can Withstand Harsh Physical Conditions
Sleek Laptop Stands
Sleek Laptop Stands
The Rain Design mStand Lifts Your Overheating Laptop and Reduces Eye Strain
Task-Outsourcing Sites
Task-Outsourcing Sites
Tech Job Site 199Jobs Helps You Complete Tasks for Just a Few Dollars
Video Game-Inspired Jackets
Video Game-Inspired Jackets
Enzo Volante Makes MegaMan Jackets
Phone Projector Chips
Phone Projector Chips
Ostendo's Tic Tac-Sized Projectors Can Emit Holograms From Your Smartphone
Nostalgic Typewriter Keyboards
Nostalgic Typewriter Keyboards
This Vintage Computer Keyboard Looks Like a Set of Typewriter Keys
Multi-Tasking Tablets
Multi-Tasking Tablets
The Jolla Tablet is the First of Its Kind to be Crowdsourced
3D Makeup Printers
3D Makeup Printers
Mink Makeup Printer Lets You Print 3D Makeup From a Regular Computer
Textile Tech Designs
Textile Tech Designs
The Ora Ito Mobility Collection is Full of Soft Textures and Materials
Practical Paper-Thin Keyboards
Practical Paper-Thin Keyboards
The Novalia Printable Keyboard is Ultra Thin
Multimedia Office Supplies
Multimedia Office Supplies
The Brockhaus Pen2 Draws Up an Interactive Work and Study Experience
Arc Shaped Laptop Holders
Arc Shaped Laptop Holders
This Handcrafted MacBook Stand From Twelve South Makes Design Accessible
Dripping Paint Tech Decor
Dripping Paint Tech Decor
This Colorful Macbook Keyboard Decal is Fit For Apple's Wireless Devices
Comfort-Focused Tech Accessories
Comfort-Focused Tech Accessories
The Peak MacBook Cover Boasts an Ergonomic Design
DIY Privacy Monitors
DIY Privacy Monitors
This Hack Lets You Hide What's on Your Computer Screen From Everyone But You
Intuitive Gaming Computer Systems
Intuitive Gaming Computer Systems
Razer Unveiled the New Project Christine at CES 2014
Contemporary Laptop Carriers
Contemporary Laptop Carriers
The DAAME Leather Laptop Carrier Combines Style and Practicality
Variable Height Workstations
Variable Height Workstations
The Varidesk Allows for Quick Adjustments to Open Up More Work Space
Oversized Multimedia Tablets
Oversized Multimedia Tablets
The Samsung Galaxy Note Pro Has a Huge 12.2-Inch Display
Touchscreen-Projecting Bracelets
Touchscreen-Projecting Bracelets
The Cicret Bracelet Converts Your Arm into a Touch Screen
Computer-Projecting Mirrors
Computer-Projecting Mirrors
Glass Computers Brings Your Tablet to Every Surface in Your House
Hexagonal Gaming Computers
Hexagonal Gaming Computers
The Alienware Area-51 Computer Has an Otherworldly Design
Self-Sterilizing Keyboards
Self-Sterilizing Keyboards
The UVLightBoard Zaps Bacteria From Its Surface as You Type Away
Leather-Made Laptop Accessories
Leather-Made Laptop Accessories
These Macbook Air Covers Feature a Luxe and Durable Design
Ergonomic Computer Peripherals
Ergonomic Computer Peripherals
The Grabby Mouse Supports Your Resting Digits and Your Wrist
Ergonomically Etched Gadget Organizers
Ergonomically Etched Gadget Organizers
The Apple TV Organizer by Tinsel and Timber Boasts Style
Boundless Touchscreens
Boundless Touchscreens
The Sharp Free-Form Display Can Take on Any Shape or Form
Virtual Reality iPads
Virtual Reality iPads
AirVR is a Headset That Leverages iOS Retina Hardware
Droid Keyboard Projectors
Droid Keyboard Projectors
The R2-D2 Virtual Keyboard Was a Special May 4th Release
Illuminating Rainbow Keyboards
Illuminating Rainbow Keyboards
This Light Up Computer Keyboard Design is Perfect for Gamers
Versatile Tablet Styluses
Versatile Tablet Styluses
The Change Up Stylus Pen Boasts Four Switchable Heads
Digital Display Keyboards
Digital Display Keyboards
The Hotkey Keyboard Displays the Shortcuts for Different Programs
Minifig Cord Management
Minifig Cord Management
The LEGO Key & Cable Holder is a Geeky Do-It-Yourself Project
Painterly Laptop Decals
Painterly Laptop Decals
Etsy's Free Stickers Decals Shop Features Artful Tech Accessories
Palm-Sized Projecting Computers
Palm-Sized Projecting Computers
The Solo Remote Access Device Contains the Knowledge of a Laptop
Wood Computer Stands
Wood Computer Stands
Evernote Helps Organize Desks with the Bent Ply Family
Laptop-Integrated Desks
Laptop-Integrated Desks
Designer Nithin V Antony's C-Walker Fuses a PC Computer into a Desk
Convertible Computer Desks
Convertible Computer Desks
The Flexus Transformable Table Features a Touchscreen Surface and Stand
Minimalist Tablet Wall Docks
Minimalist Tablet Wall Docks
The Juice On-Wall Dock Safely and Stylishly Holds Your iPad
Retro Typewriter Keyboards
Retro Typewriter Keyboards
The Philo PC Concepts Blends the Old and the New for a Unique Design
Conveniently Convertible Mobile Desks
Conveniently Convertible Mobile Desks
The Slate Mobile AirDesk is Designed for Comfort
Lying Down Laptop Stands
Lying Down Laptop Stands
The 'Super Upward-Looking Dozing Desk' Lets People Work Comfily in Bed
Computer Case Work Tables
Computer Case Work Tables
These Multitasking Computer Desk Designs From Lian Li are Aluminum
Affordable 3D Printers
Affordable 3D Printers
The RoBo 3D R1 was Released at CES 2014
Exquisitely Subtle Tech Covers
Exquisitely Subtle Tech Covers
The Understated and Low-Key Sleeves Collection by Mujjo are Chic
Projected Touchscreen Tables
Projected Touchscreen Tables
Ideum's Dynamic Desktop Comprises Projected Capacitive Touch Tables