Vincent Salera — March 6, 2009 — Lifestyle
Popular culture and mass media have taught us that thin is in a fat is out, but not today. With plus-sized models and fans, more youthful-looking people, swimming pools for fat dogs, and fat fridges, there are a ton of fat-friendly innovations that celebrate individuals of all sizes.
Implications - Many of the featured plus-size innovations may get you thinking about issues that are going on in today's society that have to do with obesity. While some may be serious, other are lighthearted and are guaranteed to have you laughing at the hilarious images such as those on the fat presidents poster.
Implications - Many of the featured plus-size innovations may get you thinking about issues that are going on in today's society that have to do with obesity. While some may be serious, other are lighthearted and are guaranteed to have you laughing at the hilarious images such as those on the fat presidents poster.