Eco-Friendly Burger Packaging

GreenDustries' PleatPak Packaging Blends Sustainability and Function
Colin Smith — June 22, 2023GreenDustries debuted 'PleatPak,' a packaging solution for hamburgers that blends sustainability with convenience and function. Most hamburger restaurants package burgers in simple plastic-based paper wrapping that must be manually folded to cover the entirety of the burger. PleatPak improves on this design while reducing the carbon footprint by up to 90% when compared to its competitors.
The PleatPak design is minimalist and customizable, enabling branding and partnerships to reduce cost further. The PleatPak itself is paper-based and uses, as the name implies, a pleated design. The pleated paper can simply be extended to wrap around a burger and hook back into itself, resulting in a protected and wrapped burger in seconds that can be unwrapped by the customer just as easily.
The minimalist design and convenience of use for the PleatPak has caused it to rapidly gain popularity, particularly among younger Gen Z customers, according to the company itself.
Image Credit: GreenDustries