Smashable Biodegradable Cups

GaeaStar Develops a New Cup From Only Three Ingredients

References: designtaxi & instagram

A startup company GaeaStar works on a new progression in the realm of food packaging and it is a 3D-printed cup made from clay materials. It stems from the fact that way too many dispensable coffee cups are discarded on a yearly basis and these new cups are made only from three ingredients -- dirt, salt, and some water. It is able to turn into dust after it is done being used.

This is inspired by ancient practices, specifically an old Indian technique that is used to create biodegradable containers. This idea came to fruition when founder and CEO Sanjeev Mankotia was visiting family in New Delhi and noticed his cousin throw out a terracotta cup filled with chai. When noting that she littered, she responded that the cup was made from dirt.

Image Credit: GaeaStar