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Arianne Persaud

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Feb 2011
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Organic Engagement Rings
Organic Engagement Rings
Jewelry by Ken + Dana is Eco-Friendly, Ethical and Fabulous
Today's consumers have taken great steps to lead an environmentally friendly, organic and all round ethical and conscious lifestyle, with companies such as Ken + Dana making a holistically eco-conscious… MORE
Hair-Raising Artworks
Hair-Raising Artworks
Hong Chun Zhang's Surreal Drawings are Sure to Mesmerize
Hair seems like one of the more difficult things to draw, illustrating both singularity and plenitude is the aim. Hong Chun Zhang conveys this and more, as her surreal drawings of hair infused objects… MORE
Toddler Fashionistas
Toddler Fashionistas
The 'Kids Dressed Better than You' Tumblr Page Displays Adorable Outfits
'Kids Dressed Better Than You' is a tumblr page filled with pictures of fashionable tots. These ultra cool kids have a way of making you wish you were six again, rocking haute couture while sucking on… MORE
Whimsical Copper Creations
Whimsical Copper Creations
Jenn Bell's Artwork is Wonderfully Rustic Visual Poetry
Jenn Bell's designs are visual poetry. In fact, her description of the process on her website is written in poetic verse. She says, "They're glass On copper The glass is ground finer than sugar And sifted… MORE
Prom-Specific Sneakers
Prom-Specific Sneakers
The Toms for Prom Campaign Encourages Formal Kicks
Tom's is a shoe line known for both its stylish products and its ethical practices, releasing a current campaign called Toms for Prom. As the name implies, young girls and guys are being asked to partake… MORE
Yummy Mummy Lookbooks
Yummy Mummy Lookbooks
Piper Weiss Compiles a Photographic Collection of Stylish Moms
Piper Weiss knows that you ladies might remember getting the stare down from your mom as you descend the stairs, dressed in your rebellious outfit du jour. You thought to yourself, “my mom has NO fashion… MORE
Sky-High Workspaces
Sky-High Workspaces
The Fift Ladder Desk and Chair Provides Focus & Solitude
Fift offers a solution for those who are overwhelmed by the sheer number of sights surrounding them and who are close to the hustle and bustle of city streets. The Fift ladder desk and chair offers an… MORE
Weather-Worn Jeans
Weather-Worn Jeans
Cheap Monday's Line of Customized by Nature Jeans
The weather-worn jeans in the Cheap Monday "Customized by Nature" line feature blues that are sun-bleached, rusted and ice-covered. There are 30 pairs of weather-worn jeans in this limited-edition collection,… MORE
Stylish Morning Brew Filters
Stylish Morning Brew Filters
The Coava KONE Filters Your Coffee Without Generating Waste
Combining great taste, eco-conciousness and style, Matt and Keith, makers of the Coava coffee press, have created the ultimate coffee drinker’s coffee maker -- the Coava KONE. The Coava KONE is a stainless… MORE
Reincarnated Fur Coats
Reincarnated Fur Coats
These Neozoon Art Installations Breathe Life into Slaughtered Animals
The all female fashion collective Neozoon specializes in the relocation of wild animals, namely the deconstruction of used fur coats into the likenesses of animals strategically placed in areas... MORE
Fashionista Toothbrushes
Fashionista Toothbrushes
REACH by Design Toothbrushes Help You Stay Clean With Style
REACH by Design toothbrushes provide fashion savvy individuals with a chic way to clean their chompers. To quote blogger Jake Stavis, “there’s nothing worse than being that trick at the party with spinach… MORE
Splashy Fluid Sculptures (UPDATE)
Splashy Fluid Sculptures (UPDATE)
Art Revealed Through Slow Motion Water by Shinichi Maruyama
Shinichi Maruyama has taken the simplicity of pure water and turned it into a set of ornate “sculptures” facilitated by slow motion. The still frames resemble crystalline objects and can definitely… MORE
Utilitarian Mini Vests
Utilitarian Mini Vests
These Luxirare Vests Will Replace Your Favorite Handbag
If you fancy yourself a futuristic space cowgirl/boy whose only necessities include gum, a smart phone and keys, then I suggest checking out the utilitarian Luxirare vests. Begrudging the “bogged-down”… MORE