Reconfigured Spacious Brooklyn Homes

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Light & Air Design the Z House with an Open and Bright Look

Local design studio Light & Air presents a look at the new Z House in Brooklyn, which is defined by bright light-filled themes. It is found in the Clinton Hill neighborhood and is home to a family of four from India. The design project started with extending the building to another vertical level, making it four stories in total whilst also restoring the historic front facade.

Light & Air states, "They wanted a house that exhibited a strong connection to nature, featuring a more seamless integration between inside and out. Filled by light and air, the stair's drama is heightened by the placement of large windows punctuating the rear facade, allowing the vertical space to open to the exterior."
Trend Themes
1. Bright Light-filled Themes - Designs that prioritize bright light-filled themes are becoming increasingly popular, offering a more seamless integration between inside and out.
2. Vertical Space Integration - Architectural designs with vertically integrated spaces are gaining traction, creating a stronger connection to nature.
3. Historic Facade Restoration - There is a growing trend in restoring historic facades while extending buildings to multiple levels.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Interior Design - The architecture and interior design industry can explore innovative ways to incorporate bright light-filled themes and vertically integrated spaces in their projects.
2. Historic Preservation - The historic preservation industry can look into opportunities for restoring historic facades while modernizing buildings to meet the demands of today's residents.
3. Residential Construction - Residential construction companies can capitalize on the popularity of bright light-filled themes and offer designs that seamlessly integrate indoor and outdoor spaces.

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