Health-Supporting Female Plumbers

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INTIMINA and Stopcocks Teamed Up for World Continence Week

For World Continence Week, Women's intimate health brand INTIMINA teamed up with Stopcock, the UK's national company of women plumbers, to fix household leaks, facilitate honest conversations about incontinence and gift customers INTIMINA's pelvic floor training device, the KegelSmart 2.

According to a survey of 2,020 UK respondents by CensusWide, 9% of women have daily accidents, and 34% at least weekly—more than the average toddler—and 60% of women who have given birth report a weakened pelvic floor and/or incontinence. This initiative to spark conversations and stop the stigma surrounding women's intimate health equips a team of plumbers with the advice women need to stop and prevent future leaks for a more comfortable house and a more comfortable day-to-day life.
Trend Themes
1. Female Empowerment in Trade Professions - The partnership highlights the increasing demand for and acceptance of women in traditionally male-dominated trades, paving the way for diverse employment opportunities.
2. Integrating Health and Home Services - Combining health support with home maintenance services represents a holistic approach to customer well-being, merging wellness with everyday practical needs.
3. Stigma-free Health Initiatives - Initiatives that address and normalize conversations about sensitive health issues can disrupt the market by promoting open dialogue and offering integrated solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Home Maintenance Services - The collaboration with health brands introduces a new dynamic, blending standard services with added health benefits and gender-specific expertise.
2. Intimate Health Products - Partnering with non-health-related sectors to raise awareness and promote products can create new marketing channels and broaden product reach.
3. Women's Wellness - Collaborations that focus on women's specific health concerns and provide targeted solutions can drive innovation and growth in the wellness industry.

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