Deeply Flavored Fruit Coolers

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The WKD Dark Fruit Has a Rich, Refreshing Flavor Profile

The WKD Dark Fruit has been announced by SHS Drinks as a new product that is sure to accommodate growing consumer interest in richly flavored, prepackaged libations. The cooler features a 4% ABV and will come in 275ml (individually and in four packs) and 700ml serving sizes this spring in the UK. The drink builds on the success of the libation range in 2019, which saw sales grow over 18% in the convenience sector, according to SHS Drinks.

Head of Alcohol Brand Marketing at SHS Drinks Nick White spoke on the new beverage saying, "WKD dark fruit this year – as WKD pink did last – will deliver reappraisal of the whole brand and have a hugely positive halo effect on all WKD variants. With both variants, we’ve taken hugely popular themes and applied a clever WKD twist. The launch of dark fruit will ensure that WKD remains fresh and relevant to its core 18-24-year-old target market and continues to generate strong sales growth for both convenience retailers and wholesale/cash and carry depots. This innovative flavour RTD will deliver something genuinely new and truly exciting for the entire category."
Trend Themes
1. Richly Flavored Coolers - The WKD Dark Fruit taps into consumer interest in richly flavored, prepackaged libations, presenting opportunities for other brands to introduce deeply flavored beverages.
2. Convenience Sector Growth - WKD's success in the convenience sector signals potential disruptive innovation opportunities for other brands to create appealing products for this market.
3. Innovative Rtds - The launch of WKD Dark Fruit showcases the potential for innovative ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages that offer unique and exciting flavors.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The introduction of WKD Dark Fruit presents disruptive innovation opportunities for the alcoholic beverage industry to create their own deeply flavored products.
2. Packaged Beverages - The success of richly flavored coolers like WKD Dark Fruit highlights potential disruptive innovation opportunities for the packaged beverage industry to develop similar offerings.
3. Convenience Retail - WKD Dark Fruit's growth in the convenience sector opens up disruptive innovation opportunities for retailers to stock and promote other richly flavored prepackaged libations.

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