Wine on Tap an VinoVenu

San Francisco Wine Bar

Foggy City locals are probably already aware of VinoVenu's innovative contribution to the wine world: Wine on Tap. The San Francisco Wine bar serves up over 100 wines by the glass thanks to its technology that perserves each bottle of opened wine.
"VinoVenue stretches the traditional wine bar and retail store boundaries by offering guests an exciting new concept for tasting and buying wines. For the first time, guests can serve themselves by purchasing a VinoVenue tasting card (like a debit card), inserting it into the automated wine tasting stations, selecting a wine and receiving a 1 oz. pour. Individually priced pours of more than 100 wines sourced from wineries around the globe range from $1 to $28.
This "try-before-you buy" model promotes education, socialization and curiosity. Guests can move freely about the elegantly designed tasting space visiting the many wine stations where they can compare different wines from places around CA and the world or experiment with wines they have never heard of before. Do you buy some of your wine based on ratings? Now you can see how you stack up against the "experts". You be the judge and choose the wine that's right for you." - Vino Venu
Trend Themes
1. Wine on Tap - Restaurants and bars can adapt 'wine on tap' concept for their own business
2. Self-serve Wine Tasting Stations - Wineries can expand their reach by offering self-serve wine tasting stations
3. Wine Education Promotion - Businesses can enhance customer experience by promoting wine education through the 'try-before-you-buy' model
Industry Implications
1. Restaurant Industry - Restaurants can revolutionize their wine offerings with 'wine on tap'
2. Wine Industry - Wineries can enhance customer experience by providing self-serve wine tasting stations
3. Retail Industry - Wine stores can adopt the VinoVenue 'try-before-you-buy' model to boost sales and customer engagement

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