Now that there are a number of movements causing people to question prejudice and racism in America as well as around the world, MTV is adding its own two cents with the satirical 'White Squad' campaign.
The White Squad is described as a "team of carefully selected white people who help people of color enjoy white advantage." A few of the scenarios that the White Squad addresses includes the experiences people of different cultures have hailing a cab, getting a loan or being accepted into college. As well as highlighting the obstacles that are often faced by some cultural groups using humor, the campaign points out real facts like "white people receive 40% more private scholarships and have a 67% lower incarceration rate."
While some people have been quick to applaud the way MTV is addressing these serious issues, other have expressed anger. Either way, the White Squad has succeeded at sparking numerous discussions about social injustices on traditional and social media platforms.
Controversial Culture Campaigns
MTV's White Squad Satirically Offers Privledged Advantages to All
Trend Themes
1. Satirical Social Commentary - Opportunity for brands to use satire as a tool to highlight social issues and spark conversations.
2. Privilege Awareness - Opportunity for education and training programs to raise awareness about and mitigate the effects of privilege.
3. Humorous Advocacy - Opportunity to use humor as a means of advocating for social justice and equity.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunity for ad agencies to use satire and humor to create impactful and memorable campaigns that raise awareness about social issues.
2. Education - Opportunity for educational institutions to include lessons on privilege and equity in their curriculums to promote awareness and understanding.
3. Social Activism - Opportunity for social advocacy organizations to incorporate humor into their messaging to engage and inspire audiences.