Inflation-Fighting Slider Promos

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White Castle's Cheese Sliders Deal Revives a Price from 2011

During inflationary times, people often wish they could turn back the clock and indulge in prices from the past when a dollar stretched much further, and White Castle introduced a sack of 10 Cheese Sliders for just $7.99 to deliver the value fans crave. As White Castle detailed in a press release, "That's just less than 80¢ for each Cheese Slider—a price not seen since 2011, and a price that's less than what most fast-food chains are charging for an individual combo meal."

White Castle launched the 10 for $7.99 deal earlier this month in St. Louis as part of a local anniversary campaign and the offer was so popular that it's now expanding to all of White Castle's markets.

At a time when rising prices are impacting even the most affordable fast-food menus, restaurants like White Castle are taking a stand to show customers they stand for great value and accessibility.
Trend Themes
1. Retro-pricing Strategies - Businesses are leveraging nostalgia-driven pricing to attract price-sensitive consumers during inflationary periods.
2. Value-driven Promotions - Increased emphasis on value-centric deals can effectively draw in customers looking for affordable dining options.
3. Localized Anniversary Campaigns - Bespoke local promotions tied to significant anniversaries are successfully being used to boost brand loyalty and customer engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Fast-food Chains - Quick-service restaurants are adopting retro-pricing models to maintain customer loyalty amidst economic uncertainty.
2. Consumer Goods - Retailers are exploring cost-effective promotional strategies to counteract inflation and offer perceived value.
3. Marketing & Advertising - Marketers are increasingly employing nostalgia and value-based appeals to create impactful campaigns in times of financial strain.

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