Based on the beloved children’s book of the same title, ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ movie posters have hit the web. Directed by Spike Jonze and produced by Tom Hanks, this highly anticipated film is already on its way to emulating its print brother by becoming an instant classic.
Get to know the characters of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ with the help of these posters. Bringing to life Maurice Sendak’s classic has never seemed so tangible. I think I should to re-watch the trailer. (If you haven’t yet seen it, you better check it out!)
Its October 16 release date seems so far away…
Monstrous Movie Posters
Get Pumped for 'Where the Wild Things Are' With These Promos
Trend Themes
1. Movie Poster Artistry - Movie posters have become works of art that evoke anticipation, excitement, and awe in the viewer, paving the way for innovative and creative designs for upcoming films.
2. Film Industry Synergy - One can draw from the success of fusing different creative minds, such as the artistic vision of a director and the production prowess of a producer, in bringing beloved stories to life on the big screen.
3. Nostalgic Storytelling - The resurgence and adaptation of classic and beloved children's books for film can tap into a nostalgia that drives audiences to experience and connect with familiar stories in new ways.
Industry Implications
1. Movie - The film industry has the opportunity to explore innovative ways to market and promote upcoming releases by using movie posters as art forms that capture the essence of the story and generate excitement in the audience.
2. Publishing - Adapting classical children's books for films can pave the way for innovative storytelling formats that help create new waves of readership and appreciation in literature.
3. Design - The field of design has the opportunity to explore creative techniques in making effective and memorable marketing materials such as movie posters, in collaboration with the rich storytelling of various media.