Motion Sickness Smartphone Features

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Apple Vehicle Motion Cues Will Arrive in iOS 18

Apple Vehicle Motion Cues is a new accessibility feature expected to arrive on the iPhone with iOS 18 to provide users with the ability to avoid motion sickness when using their device in the car, on the train and beyond.

The motion sickness feature works by displaying animated dots on the edges of the display that will respond according to vehicle motion. This will help the user to keep using their device when in motion traveling, which is great for those who are prone to motion sickness but also the average user to maximize the number of consumers it will positively affect.

Apple Vehicle Motion Cues will be available for users to toggle on from within the Accessibility subset of features and can be manually turned on or set to automatically detect when the user is in motion to activate.
Trend Themes
1. Vehicle-based Motion Sickness Solutions - The growing integration of motion-detection features in smartphones aims to combat motion sickness, affecting a broad user base.
2. Accessibility Innovation in Mobile Devices - Smartphone manufacturers are increasingly prioritizing accessibility features to enhance user experience for individuals prone to motion discomfort.
3. Adaptive Mobile Screen Displays - Mobile devices with adaptive screens that respond to environmental motion are evolving to provide smoother user experiences during travel.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry is significantly impacted as companies expand their device functionalities to include health-centric features like motion sickness prevention.
2. Automotive Technology - Automotive technology is advancing with partnerships focused on enhancing passenger comfort through integrated mobile display solutions.
3. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry sees innovation opportunities in the development of mobile applications and features designed to mitigate travel-induced discomfort.

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