Jackfruit Breakfast Sandwiches

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Jack & Annie’s Vegetarian Breakfast Sandwiches Have Protein & Fibre

Jack & Annie’s new vegetarian breakfast sandwiches combine real egg, real cheese and fibre-rich jackfruit meat to provide meatless morning meals that are satisfying and convenient to prepare. Packed with sources of greens, protein and energy, these alternative breakfast sandwiches are available in varieties like Spinach, Egg, Cheese & Plant-Based Sausage and Egg, Cheese & Plant-Based Sausage.

The "meaty yet meatless" breakfast sandwiches are served on soft, cafe-style bistro buns and only need a few minutes in the microwave to warm from frozen right out of their wrappers.

It's estimated that only 5% of adults in the United States meet the daily requirement of fibre, and the average American consumes half the recommended amount. With its fibre-rich products, Jack & Annie’s helps to fill the fiber consumption gap.
Trend Themes
1. Fiber-rich Convenience Foods - Products rich in fiber, like Jack & Annie's breakfast sandwiches, address the dietary fiber deficit in the average American diet.
2. Plant-based Protein Innovations - Vegetarian breakfast sandwiches featuring plant-based meats provide an appealing protein source without the need for animal products.
3. Microwaveable Healthy Meals - Quick and nutritious options such as microwaveable breakfast sandwiches cater to the growing demand for convenient yet healthy meal solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Health Food Industry - The health food sector benefits from introducing more fibre-filled vegetarian products like Jack & Annie’s breakfast offerings.
2. Plant-based Food Sector - This industry sees significant growth with innovations like meatless yet protein-packed breakfast sandwiches.
3. Convenience Food Market - Quick-prep options that do not compromise on nutritional value, such as these breakfast sandwiches, reflect evolving consumer preferences in the convenience food market.

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