'Peacock,' the television streaming service owned and operated by NBC, has announced an upcoming video game to TV show adaptation based on the series 'Twisted Metal.' Twisted Metal is a demolition derby-style fantasy horror game where players use over-the-top weapons and superpowers to become the last man standing.
The main character of Twisted Metal is a psychotic clown-esque character named 'Needles Kane' who drives a modified ice cream truck called 'Sweet Tooth.' While the video game was more about destruction-based gameplay than story, the television adaptation has already drawn the likes of high-profile actors such as Will Arnett and Anthony Mackie.
Twisted Metal's most recent video game installment was released in 2012 for the Playstation 3, which means this television series is coming out over a decade later.
Demolition Derby Television Adaptations
Peacock is Developing a TV Show Based on 'Twisted Metal'
Trend Themes
1. Video Game-to-tv Adaptations - There may be an opportunity for other video games to be adapted into TV shows to capitalize on the popularity of original game IPs.
2. Fantasy Horror Demolition Derbies - There may be an opportunity for other horror game franchises to introduce demolition derby-style gameplay, creating unique gaming experiences for players.
3. High-profile TV Series Castings - There may be an opportunity for other TV show creators to attract big-name celebrity talent to their productions, resulting in increased attention and viewership.
Industry Implications
1. Streaming Services - Streaming services could capitalize on the popularity of video game IPs by developing their own original TV show adaptations of popular game franchises, attracting a wider audience.
2. Video Game Publishers - Video game publishers could collaborate with streaming services or production companies to adapt their popular game IPs into TV shows, creating additional revenue streams beyond the gaming industry.
3. Horror Entertainment - The horror entertainment industry could incorporate demolition derby-style elements into their game franchises or productions to create more unique and thrilling experiences for audiences.