Trends in 2009

Jeremy Gutsche and Trend Hunter Featured on CBC National News

Jeremy Gutsche was on CBC National News discussing Trends in 2009.  In particular, he was talking about how the credit crunch will impact our spending, giving rise to credit crunch couture, DIY fashion, even MORE eco cars, and a return to the kitchen.  Don’t worry about everything in the economy being ruined: the internet and mobile phones have become the new necessities.

The appearance was related to Trend Hunter’s 2009 Trend Reports, which launch this week.
Trend Themes
1. Credit Crunch Couture - The credit crunch presents an opportunity for innovative fashion designers to create affordable and sustainable couture for budget-conscious consumers.
2. DIY Fashion - As consumers look for ways to save money and express their individuality, there is a growing trend of do-it-yourself fashion that offers creative and customizable options.
3. Return to the Kitchen - With more people staying at home due to economic uncertainties, there is a trend towards home cooking and a need for innovative kitchen gadgets and meal prep solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can tap into the credit crunch couture trend by focusing on affordable and sustainable fashion options.
2. Consumer Goods - The consumer goods industry can capitalize on the DIY fashion trend by offering DIY kits, tools, and materials for consumers to create their own unique products.
3. Kitchen and Home Appliances - The kitchen and home appliances industry has an opportunity to develop innovative gadgets and solutions to cater to the increased demand for home cooking and meal preparation.

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