Trend Forecast Maps

Geography by Innovation is Better Than the Weather Network

When I first saw this Trend Forecast map mimicking a weather forecast, it provided a good demonstration of how images can be more informative than words.

I have no idea where the data was taken from, or whether it was just intended as a cartoon, but either way, it made me wonder what a world map would look like if Trend Hunter made the same type of map. I suppose you could base it off of web traffic data or submission locations and have those count as degrees of trendiness.
Trend Themes
1. Geography-by-innovation Mapping - There is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in using innovation data to map geographic trends.
2. Visualized Trend Analysis - Using visual data representation rather than words presents opportunities for more immersive and informative analysis of trend data.
3. Big Data Trend Forecasting - Leveraging big data to create more accurate and insightful trend forecasts presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Leveraging the latest innovative mapping strategies can lead to better-targeted and more effective marketing and advertising campaigns.
2. Data Analytics - The ability to use big data to forecast trends with increased accuracy presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the field of data analytics.
3. Travel and Tourist Industry - The use of trend forecasting maps in the travel and tourism industry presents opportunities for businesses to provide more unique and innovative travel experiences to their customers.

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