Finger Puppets for Geniuses

Giving The Finger to Great Thinkers

You know who was a big lover of finger puppets? I don’t know either, I’m still waiting for the Michael J. Fox Bobblehead. I’m not into finger puppets (fat fingers), but I love the action toys that are eggheads, and love that somebody makes and sells finger puppets of some of the biggest thinkers of our time.

Imagine the ideas you can finger out if you start having more fun in your cubicle. Ben Franklin, Galileo, Da Vinci, Darwin, Isaac Newton, Madame Currie, Einstein, Thomas Edison, and another guy, I forget who, will help your work day pass faster.
Trend Themes
1. Educational Finger Puppets - Creating finger puppets based on historical figures and great thinkers for educational purposes.
2. Office Productivity Toys - Designing and developing productivity toys to help workers relieve stress and remain productive.
3. Innovative Toy Design - Using innovative designs to create toys that are both fun and educational for people of all ages.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Manufacturing educational toys for people of all ages to help them learn while having fun.
2. Office Supplies and Accessories - Developing and marketing office accessories and toys to help increase productivity and reduce stress for office workers.
3. Educational Tools and Resources - Developing and marketing innovative educational tools and resources for individuals and organizations to help them learn and grow.

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