Crunchy Crust Pan Pizzas

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Toppers Pizza Pan Pizza Has Caramelized Wisconsin Cheese on the Edge

Toppers Pizza Pan Pizza is the brand's latest mouthwatering menu addition that's crafted with taste and texture in mind to provide fans with the perfect option to try out this fall.

The pizza features thick dough that's cooked in a deep dish and paired with ample Wisconsin cheese that gets caramelized at the edge to give it a crispy touch. This acts as the crust rather than featuring an edge of dough to help the flavor extend right from the middle to every aspect of the pizza recipe. The pizza is available now for $9.99, which will get customers a medium one-topping pie.

Chef Brian Brindza spoke on the Toppers Pizza Pan Pizza saying, "When we set out to create our pan pizza, we didn’t just wing it. We tested everything and I mean everything. We tested so many different types of our competitor’s pan pizza – trying different doughs, cheeses, and toppings – because good enough is never good enough for us. We wanted that perfect balance of crispy, cheesy, and crunchy that would make you stop mid-bite and go, ‘Oh yeah, that’s the one’."
Trend Themes
1. Caramelized Cheese Crust - Caramelized cheese around the edges of pan pizzas offers a unique flavor experience that attracts both cheese lovers and novelty seekers.
2. Deep Dish Reimagined - Reinventing the traditional deep dish pizza by integrating a crispy cheese crust expands the texture and taste profile.
3. Affordable Premium Pizzas - $9.99 pricing for specialty pan pizzas makes gourmet options accessible to a larger audience, driving higher frequent dining.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The culinary sector benefits from innovative pizza formats that push the boundaries of traditional recipes, enticing a diverse clientele.
2. Ready-to-eat Meals - Ready-to-eat meal providers can adopt caramelized cheese crusts to elevate everyday offerings, increasing consumer interest and sales.
3. Casual Dining - Casual dining establishments gain a competitive edge by introducing distinctive products like cheesy crusted pan pizzas, enhancing their menu appeal.

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