Indian architects Harshit Singh Kothari and Tanvi Jai work together to complete the Tiny House found nestled on the outskirts of Indore. The compact home prototype is crafted in response to the issue of India's shortage of affordable and accessible homes. The Tiny House is a solution to how the country faces housing shortages of 20 million houses in rural spaces and 1.5 million homes in urban areas.
Kothari and Jain share with Dezeen, "The house design was based on a year-long research that included interactions with the target group living in houses of similar sizes whether they are rented houses, social housing, or self-builds. We realized that there was scope to experiment with and showcase that an aspirational house with aesthetic appeal could be built using standard methods of construction, at an affordable budget and quickly."
Affordable Housing Prototypes
Harshit Singh Kothari and Tanvi Jai Complete the Tiny House
Trend Themes
1. Compact Living Solutions - Innovative designs focus on maximizing utility in minimal space, transforming how people perceive small living environments.
2. Affordable Housing Prototypes - Prototypes like the Tiny House offer scalable and cost-effective solutions addressing massive housing deficits in both rural and urban settings.
3. Sustainable Building Materials - Using standard construction methods, architects are finding new ways to make aesthetically pleasing and affordable homes without compromising sustainability.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - The construction industry can adopt new methodologies for quick and budget-friendly building, catering to the affordable housing market.
2. Real Estate - Real estate sectors can leverage compact and affordable housing prototypes to attract a diverse range of home buyers and renters.
3. Architecture - Architectural firms can innovate by designing aesthetically appealing homes that are both affordable and swiftly constructed.