Plant-Based Curry Sauces

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Trader Joe's New Tikka Masala Curry Sauce is 100% Vegan

Trader Joe's is making it easier than ever to whip up your favorite Indian dishes at home with the debut of its new Tikka Masala Curry Sauce

For those unfamiliar, tikka masala is a curry dish that involves a creamy sauce made from yogurt, cream, tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, and chili peppers. Trader Joe's own Tikka Masala Curry Sauce features a savory, velvety base of tomato paste, onions, and ground watermelon seeds, all seasoned with garlic, turmeric, tamarind, and ginger. The sauce itself is 100% plant-based, so vegans and vegetarians can enjoy it over rice, veggies, or other meat-free proteins. And if you do eat meat, you can add the sauce to hunks of tender chicken and serve it over basmati rice to create a traditional Chicken Tikka Masala Curry.
Trend Themes
1. Vegan-centric Sauces - Rising demand for vegan-friendly condiments provides new avenues for innovation in ingredient substitution and flavor enhancement.
2. Plant-based Convenience Foods - Heightened consumer interest in quick, easy-to-prepare vegan meals drives the growth and diversification of plant-based convenience products.
3. Ethnic Cuisine Adaptation - Adapting traditional ethnic dishes to plant-based versions can attract a broader range of consumers exploring global flavors in their diets.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry is increasingly focusing on developing plant-based alternatives to meet the growing vegan and vegetarian demographic.
2. Retail - Grocery retailers are expanding their plant-based product lines to cater to health-conscious and ethically-driven shoppers.
3. Culinary Arts - Chefs and culinary experts are innovating traditional recipes with plant-based ingredients, broadening the scope of modern cooking techniques and offerings.

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