Teen Generation Comparison Graphs

The 'Those Kids Today...' Infographic Pins Old Against New

The ‘Those Kids Today…’ infographic compares the latest generation of teens with the teenagers of 1982. One can see with these comparisons that things have certainly changed over the last few decades.

The teenagers of today smoke less weed and cigarettes than their Breakfast Club counterparts. However, the graduation rate for the teenagers of 2012 is down a little more than five percent compared to 1982. While the teens of the 80s were 79.9 percent white, today’s generation has become much more diverse with only 54.7 percent being white. Since the 80s, teens have also been using more contraceptives when having sex for the first time.

The ‘Those Kids Today…’ infographic points out some interesting differences between the teenagers from the 1980s and today.
Trend Themes
1. Decreased Substance Use - Opportunity for companies to develop innovative and effective strategies to educate and support teens in making healthier choices.
2. Declining Graduation Rates - Opportunity for educational institutions and edtech companies to develop new approaches and tools to improve graduation rates and student success.
3. Increasing Diversity - Opportunity for businesses to tap into diverse markets and create products and services that cater to the needs and preferences of a multicultural teenage population.
Industry Implications
1. Youth Health and Wellness - Opportunity for companies in the health and wellness industry to provide resources, products, and services that promote healthier lifestyles among teenagers.
2. Education and Edtech - Opportunity for educational institutions and edtech companies to develop new approaches and tools to improve graduation rates and student success.
3. Multicultural Marketing - Opportunity for businesses to develop marketing strategies and products that appeal to a diverse teenage population and reflect their cultural backgrounds and values.

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