Dog Safety Devices

ThermalTag Notifies Dog Owners When Their Canine is Too Hot

ThermalTag is designed to help dog owners have a better understanding of their dog's temperature in both the heat and the cold.

ThermalTag is a device that dog owners connect to their pet's collar to monitors the dog's temperature. If the dog's temperature rises or drops out of normal ranges, the ThermalTag sends an alert through the app on the owner's phone. The tag was designed with dogs in cars in mind. The app also lets owners "drop a pin" where their vehicle is located so if their dog's temperature rises too much, the owner can quickly return to their vehicle to help their canine.

The American Veterinary Medicine Association has stated that even with windows open, cars can still get dangerously hot for dogs during the summer. ThermalTag will ensure a dog's well-being and the owner's peace of mind.
Trend Themes
1. Temperature Monitoring - Opportunity for innovative devices that monitor temperature and notify users of any abnormal changes, such as ThermalTag.
2. Pet Safety Tech - Growing demand for advanced technology and devices that enhance the safety and well-being of pets, exemplified by ThermalTag.
3. Connected Pet Accessories - Rise in connected accessories for pets that integrate with mobile apps to provide real-time updates, like the ThermalTag.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Care - Disruptive innovation opportunities include developing high-tech solutions that prioritize the health and safety of pets, such as ThermalTag.
2. Internet of Things (iot) - Opportunity for IoT companies to create smart devices and solutions that enable pet owners to remotely monitor and protect their pets, like ThermalTag.
3. Mobile Applications - Innovations in mobile app development can focus on creating intuitive applications that provide real-time pet monitoring features, exemplified by the ThermalTag companion app.

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