Mental Health-Supporting Campaigns

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'The Last Photo' is a Suicide Prevention Initiative

"The Last Photo" is a poignant campaign developed by the creative agency Adam&eveDDB for the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), in partnership with ITV, the UK’s largest commercial TV station. Launched as part of CALM’s largest-ever suicide prevention initiative, the campaign aims to challenge public perceptions of what suicidal behavior looks like and to encourage more open conversations about mental health. The initiative underscores the often-overlooked reality that individuals contemplating suicide may not exhibit the stereotypical signs of distress, such as visible sadness or despair. Instead, "The Last Photo" presents a series of images depicting individuals who appear happy and content, yet these photographs represent the final moments before they took their own lives. The campaign’s message is clear: "Suicidal doesn’t always look suicidal."

Strategically unveiled on what is colloquially known as "the happiest day of the year," the campaign featured a public exhibition on London’s Southbank, displaying large photographs of seemingly joyful people, each accompanied only by a name and age. This stark presentation served as a powerful visual reminder that behind every statistic of suicide is a real person with a unique story. The campaign represents a significant step in reshaping public understanding of suicide and equipping individuals with the knowledge to help prevent it, even when the warning signs are not immediately apparent.

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