Intentionally Uncomfortable Meeting Rooms

'The Capsule' by Diesel Aims to Minimize Wasted Time

Diesel is a retail company that prides itself on making designs "For Successful Living" and 'The Capsule' by Diesel was recently launched as a campaign to show just how much every moment of life should be treasured and used to its fullest. Diesel created The Capsule—and intentionally uncomfortable meeting room—based on a statistic from The Guardian that says "50% of the time spend it meetings is useless."

The tongue-in-cheek campaign introduces The Capsule as a meeting room with a table that tips over, a wind machine, flashing lights and a countdown timer to keep interactions within its walls short. The meeting room design fully supports Diesel founder Renzo Rosso's belief that the best decisions are made quickly.

At Wired Next Fest, those who use the meeting room will also create video content for the brand.
Trend Themes
1. Discomfort Design - Intentionally creating uncomfortable spaces for efficient and productive meetings.
2. Time Optimization - Tools and environments aimed at optimizing meeting time and maximizing productivity.
3. Humorous Campaigns - Creative marketing tactics that use humor to make a point with audiences while promoting a brand or product.
Industry Implications
1. Office Furniture Manufacturing - Creating innovative and productivity-driven office furniture such as chairs and tables with advanced features such as built-in technology, adjustable comfort elements, and energy-conserving systems.
2. Interior Design - Designing spaces that not only look appealing but also promote productivity and collaboration by incorporating innovative furniture, lighting, and storage solutions.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Creating and executing campaigns that use humor, spectacle and surprise to achieve specific marketing goals and increase brand awareness.

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